Pray For Sleep

The prompt offered by Stu over at dVerse Poets pub’s Poetics feature this afternoon is “fear”. Stu contends that everyone is afraid of something, and I don’t know if that’s true, but I have known fear of the worst kind. I’m not sure if I was afraid of the drugs that had a grip on me, but I know I feared living without them. I think back on those long ago days in wide-eyed amazement; I’m amazed I’m still here.

Pray For Sleep


Acrid stench seeps from pores

Bitter film upon my tongue

Breath tainted with unseen disease

Brought forth from ravaged lungs


Moment of near awakening

Another day begins

Body cries out for mercy

‘tis the mind that sins


Sweat-soaked sheets, beneath me

Mattress soft and old

Unpaid bills, no gas for heat

I shiver in the cold


Empty bottle, white dusty mirror

There beside the bed

I turn away, try not to see

They remain inside my head


Need more, but have no money

I cannot live this day

Must search the room, the world

Find some way to pay


Nightfall finds me there… again

Lips wet with evil brew

White powder, breathe it deep

Just one more will do


Just one more… a thousand times

A never ending tale

Of endless lies and countless tears

A life of self betrayal


Set me free, I cry, unheard

Moans echo through the room

Pray for sleep, as darkness steals

Into my lonely tomb


Copyright © 1998 C. Mashburn


  1. Not easy to break any type of addictions. So glad you did Charles. This is very vivid and, honest.

  2. Sherry Mashburn said

    I cannot begin to imagine what you went through. I thank God you made it through to to the other side.

  3. poemsofhateandhope said

    Charles….you lived this?…I bow to you sir…for firstly having the determination to overcome your fears,for living, and secondly, for holding your fears up in public for all to see. You have my utmost respect. This poem is raw, real life, and exposes an underbelly that most would never dare to look at, let alone live….bravo

    • It’s mostly true, Stu. The only fiction in this piece is the part about the heat and lack of money. I lacked for nothing when I was in the dark world, but only because I learned how to manipulate it. I wrote a novel called “The Devil’s Dust”, which details much of what went on during those years (approximately three). The book is heavily fictionalized, but much of it is based on actual happenings. The Devil’s Dust

  4. ugh addiction is hard stuff man…been there….a while back and its brutal…if this is part of your story and you have overcome then props to you for sure man….

    • It is indeed part of my story, Brian. I’m so thankful I was brought out of it.

  5. What a story. Glad to read there is victory!

  6. hedgewitch said

    This is a familiar and terrifying place–not for me, but for many I cared about back in the day–it’s just as frightening watching the disintegration of everything you loved or cared about in someone, from the outside, though I’m thankful many did make it, and very glad you did Charles, because you can make me laugh, and that’s a skill the world needs more of.

    • Thank you very much! I am pleased to know I can make you laugh. I love to make people laugh!

  7. Mary said

    Charles, the openness and honesty of your poem moved me greatly. I am another one who am glad that you are drug free……

  8. Such an honest write Charles, it takes a lot of strength to break an addiction, I’ve never had a drug addiction so I can’t begin to imagine what it is like…mine was cigarettes that was hard enough! Glad you made it through. 🙂

    • charlesmashburn said

      I did the tobacco thing, too, Dianne, but that’s a whole nuther story!
      I’m glad you kicked it!

  9. kkkkaty said

    I’ve not seen this first hand, only milder cases, but it fits the way you tell it so well that maybe one last fix will be the last, but no, one seems to have to reach the very bottom…good for you to be where you are now!

  10. thanks for the honesty and showing the difficulty that lingered in your day… felt the struggle to the end and trust those days are long gone with God’s help

  11. Ugh, Charles. Very powerful and awful to think of going through it. You know it’s so weird that sometimes people turn to substances to dull some kind of pain (or dull boredom) and soon the bigger problem becomes the substance itself, and just to get back to the old issues would be a blessing. Crazy. Difficult. I have a very addictive personality so try to be quite careful as to what I let myself get involved with. (Things like blogging.) k.

    • (ps – things like blogging bad enough – when you are also balancing job and homelife! Ha!) k.

    • My reasons and thinking in those days was not good. I was an angry man, and cared little about anything. Reckless, would be putting it mildly.
      Thanks, k!

  12. Wishing you well, Charles! Glad about your victory – the Lord’s work in you!

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