The Good Things

If we slow down, stop chasing our tails, and focus on God and all the good things that surround us, we’ll be enjoy our lives more fully. We see things God has done, we experience his love and favor, but hardly break stride as we hurry through our busy day. Too often, we take the remarkable things He does for granted.

Life is awesome, and, more than ever, we need to “stop and smell the roses.” Let’s enjoy the remarkable things God has given us, and be filled with awe!

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Everyone was amazed and gave praise to God. They were filled with awe and said, “We have seen remarkable things today.” Luke 5:26

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  1. Reblogged this on Marbles In My Pocket ~ The Official Blog of Charles L. Mashburn ~ Poems, Short Stories, and random thoughts from the author of "Be Still… and know that I am God" and commented:

    Focus on the good stuff!

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