
Hope is defined as; to desire with the expectation of fulfillment. I define it quite simply as faith. I wait expectantly for many good things to happen in this world, and more than anything I daily hope that good will triumph over evil. I do not hope in vain; I expect it to happen.



I turn on the news

Two or three times a day

Hoping… but always disappointed

He’s still here

Spouting his lies and laughing

Doing whatever he desires to do

Daring anyone to get in his way

Much less try to stop him


Soldiers die for… freedom?

Babies are killed by the millions

Children are slaughtered in their schools

Buildings are bombed

Hard to tell what’s real these days

Movies, games, real life

All the same

Filled with death and evil


And yet… he struts among the chaos

Pretending to console the heartbroken

Vowing to see justice done

To prevent it ever happening again

Shedding a tear and nodding solemnly

Laughing on the inside

As a mother wails

Where is God?


The guns are blamed

Though… the triggers are pulled by men

God is blamed

Though… He is said to not exist

I am blamed

Though… only because I disagree


I turn on the news

Hoping… but again disappointed

Flip through the channels

Finding him on every station… smiling

Eyes burning bright with hateful glee

Knowing he rules the world

Knowing I’m watching

Knowing I hate him


And someone says

But you must turn the other cheek

You must love your enemy

And do unto others

As you would have them

Do unto you

And so…

I watch the devil dance

And keep hoping


Copyright © 2012 C Mashburn


 Sharing this on dVerse Poets Pub ~ Open Link Night #75.


  1. Aria said

    Wrote a similar piece myself just yesterday. Yes. He is still here.

  2. I can’t find the right words to comment on this powerful piece. But it goes deep.

  3. r2a2r2j258 said

    ..TV does let us know about the evils men do, ASAP, unlike in other eras of history, but I am not sure whether man has changed any throughout history and are we behaving any better or worse, or do we just communicate evil and maybe glorify it much faster. Certainly, our techniques for performing evil deeds has become more efficient. and certainly, the world of communications belongs to man as is evidenced by what is communicated and glorified. And I am so sorry to hear it also, but if I have to know what is on the worldly world news tonight, I’m going to keep crafting somebody something, i.e., knitting and afghan or something to make somebody happy in some future moment, because it is All I can do and pray because it is Everything I can do. Merry Christmas

    • I agree, and have commented in other articles, that nothing much has changed–referring mainly to the hearts of men and the evil therein. And, as you allude, the technology has put it into warp speed. Thanks for the visit and comment.

  4. I think it’s always in our nature to be barbaric. If we had a huge calamity it would take less than a week for law and order to be a memory and only those with the strongest stomach’s to survive. We’ve always been evil, some of us managed to climb out of the pit and become mostly civilised and domesticated but, the more isolated we become through our technology, the worse we seem to have become for taking care of one another too.
    Powerful writing Charles. There is good and evil in all of us, it depends on which we allow to dominate, I guess.

  5. i hope as well…and in light of the tragedies that keep occuring we see what happens in a world that in many ways turns their back on god…this is not an easy life…that was never promised…and so we hope for that better day…i feel your angst man…

    • Turning your back on God is a lot like socialism. It looks great, sounds great, but in the end… not so great. Bottom line is, when you do the math, neither one pencils out.

  6. jelillie said

    This is a strong word Charles. The days of grace are shortening and the prophecies of the end are upon us. As we walk towards them we must guard our hearts knowing that the increase of wickedness will threaten to make our love grow cold.

    • I do my best to stay focused on God and try to encourage others to do the same.

  7. There is so much evil in this world and he will always be around. But I have hope in goodness and kindness inside the hearts of men ~

    Hope you are well Charles ~


  8. Sherry Mashburn said

    WOW . . .

  9. Mary said

    Charles, the devils will always continue to dance. We cannot stop this, but we can recognize them as the enemy despite the ‘finery’ they present themselves in!

    • I agree, Mary. They used to wear disguises, but they no longer feel the need for them.

  10. Not quite sure what to make of this poem, Charles. Certainly a lot of evil in the world; love doesn’t go wrong. I agree that men pull triggers, but would sure like it if there were few triggers available so easily for them to pull. k.

    • PS – note that I say this having buried my father’s ashes at Arlington Cemetery this past Friday, my very very close relative in Afghanistan right now, my husband a hunter who gets at least one buck a year. k.

  11. well said sir. hope indeed, seems to be all we can fall back on…

  12. Very powerful and so true. I try to always look for the good of others but there are times when someone shows their true colors and I have to take a step back, when I do my mantra is “I rebuke you Satan, your a liar and I have read the last chapter haha I know what happens to you!” Doesn’t do much for people like the Lanza kid at Newtown but it helps my heart.

  13. …aww, very powerful and simple write… excellent!


  14. ayala said

    A powerful write, tough times… So much sadness.

  15. “Hoping” is fine, as long as it stirs you or others into action instead of taking no action. For in the end, we have each other.

  16. so complete in every way… nice Charles

  17. Which is why, Charles, I said early-on, “I can only take so much.” And I leave the TV off.

    • I agree 100%. The turning on the news was a prop, so to speak. I seldom do it any more.

  18. hypercryptical said

    Thoughtful words Charles.

    It does appear the devil has the upper-hand in life – and perhaps always has. Is the devil really only a convenient label for the evil actions of mankind I wonder?


  19. Really don’t even like to turn on the news any more. And the TV/movies…violence and more violence upon violence which initiates further violence. No wonder our nation, perhaps I should say the world, is in a state of madness. The devil is not only dancing, he is laughing, laughing.

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