Archive for April, 2020

I Think I’m Ready Now

I'm readyI was a frightened little boy, an angry young man, and then I was, for all intents and purposes, lost for many years. Then, God sent the person—my wife Sherry—He knew could soothe my soul and help Him prepare me to do the job He’d trained me to do. Yes, all those things I went through, all those things I did, both good and bad, were simply His method of training me, and in some cases—maybe most of them—allowing me to learn things the hard way.

Now… I’m an old man and I just want to spend the rest of my days in peace and try to be a good man, doing whatever it is He wants me to do. But it turns out… it’s harder than it looks and I’m not very good at it. Maybe it’s too late—too much damage done—I don’t know. I’m definitely going to have to let him lead me to whatever it is I’m supposed to do.

Sometimes, I think maybe if I write it all down—all the mistakes and hurts I caused—maybe I might help someone else to not get lost; to not hurt other people as they navigate this mess called life. But maybe that’s not my job. Maybe we all learn the hard way, while we try to do it our way.

And so, I will just keep my eyes on Jesus, and hope He and our heavenly Father will continue to have patience with me, as I await their instructions. I think I’m ready now.

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Mom Broke My Heart Today

be still coverI talked to Mom today. She sounded so good, so happy, and that makes my heart sing. I love my mom as much as any man can love another person. She’s my mentor, my guide, and my light. I just sometimes wish I could be the man she hoped I would be.

Her husband, Ray Brown isn’t well. So many things going on with his poor old body I can’t begin to list them all. But they keep praying and believing for his healing, and I pray with them. He’s a good guy, Ray Brown is, and I should have shown him more respect and given him more love these past 25 years or so. But I’m not that good a guy sometimes.

As mom and I talked, while I walked, this morning she told me how much it meant to her that I’ve started calling Ray every now and then—just to talk. Then… she told me about a dream she had last night. She said she doesn’t dream that often, and when she does, her dreams are vague and disjointed. But she said this one was vivid and clear. She said she dreamed I was sitting across from Ray, me in a chair facing him in his chair, and I was just holding his hand and smiling at him. But here’s what broke my heart and left me crying off and on the rest of this day. Mom, trying her best not to cry, said, “There was nothing but love in your smile, Charlie. I can’t even describe it.”

I don’t deserve a dream like that. I just don’t.

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Stop It!

I can hardly grasp what God has done for us. Knowing we could not save ourselves He sent His Son to take all our sins upon Himself. This is a miracle bigger than healing the sick, raising the dead, walking on water, or feeding five-thousand people with five loaves and two fish. It is the ultimate demonstration of God’s power and love. We are forgiven! We are loved!

So, what’s the problem today? Why do we live in fear? Why are we sad? Yes, we all have fears, insecurities, and sadness but we don’t have to. In John 3:17, Jesus said, “For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.

a man - forgiven

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The Easter Bunny?

He wasn’t a stray. I figured he’d just found a way out of the yard and thought he’d soak up some freedom. When he saw me, he joined me on my walk, doing an excited trot beside me, then running ahead, smelling every bush and tree. Then he cut up a driveway and grey bunnydisappeared but only for a few seconds. A fat grey rabbit came shuffle running around the house and into the street, almost running into my leg. And, as it passed it looked up at me with big eyes that begged, “a little help here.” Another pet out of its cage, I figured. The dog gave chase, but quite obviously had no sense of why. Just instinct. The rabbit went ‘round the house, and a squirrel came flying from the same direction past the dog. The dog probably confused by the size change in his prey, stopped, cocked his head, then appearing to laugh, chased the squirrel that vanished quickly up a tree. I started walking again and the dog bounded on ahead, a happiness in its step that said, this freedom thing is the best! He went around a corner and that was the last I saw of him. I figured he’d find his way home when he got hungry. As I walked on, I thought about how happy he’d been, roaming and exploring and being free, and I smiled thinking, he was right; this thing called freedom is indeed a wonderful thing.

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Who’s Silly Now?

If you haven’t read the post preceding this one, That’s Just Silly, it’s kind of a lead in to this one, and you might enjoy reading it first.


silverwareThing is, we have 12 of everything in our silverware drawer, but we only use the top two of each utensil because I hand wash, dry, and put away the dishes after every meal. So, I’d been thinking about this for a while and then yesterday I came up with a plan. I would leave the washed silverware in the drain thingy until we’d used it all. Brilliant! So, I’m smiling, all proud of my plan, when another thought hit me. How would I know which silverware I used first? It’s just going to go in randomly, and how’m I gonna know the same two aren’t being used over and over. I told Sherry about my plan and the problem with it, and she just laughed and laughed. What’s up with that?

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That’s Just Silly

Stopped by a neighborhood C-Store yesterday. Had a lottery ticket I wanted to cash, so I walked up to the newly installed bulletproof shield at the register and handed the ticket man runningthrough the little slot at the bottom. The young lady behind the plexiglass said, “Put it down!” I jerked it back and said, “What?” “Put. The. Ticket. Down!” I was a bit unnerved, and said, “Why?” She glared at me. “We’re not allowed to have contact with customers.” I grinned as I said, “That’s just silly. I’ve had my hands on every square inch of this ticket in the last five minutes.” She just pointed to the ticket, then the counter. Oh-kaaay, I thought, as I put the ticket through the slot and let it fall. I traded the ticket for another one, and when she stuck it through the window, I said, “Put it down!” Then I just laughed and laughed. Until, that is, she dropped the ticket and started around the counter. I assumed she was about to break the no-contact-with-customers rule, so I bolted for the door. I’m fast when I need to be.

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Get Away From Me

Neither George Orwell’s “1984” nor Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged” imagined the scene we are living at this moment. Their tomes are mild compared the current unprecedented and unforeseen scenario.
This morning, on the walking trail, I saw two ladies approaching. They were obviously together, I assume friends, and were walking one on either side of the path, keeping as from one another as they could. As I got closer, the one on my side hurried ahead of her friend, glancing back to make sure she was maintaining proper distance protocol. My, “Good morning,” nor my presence was acknowledged as I passed them.
A while later, as I walked across the parking lot at Kroger’s, a lady stumbled and went to her knees. I reflexively hurried to her and said, “Are you okay? Can I help you up?” She literally screamed at me. “Get away from me! Don’t touch me!” I was shocked, but complied with her wishes, and walked away.
by the seaIs this where we’ve come to? Is this the world we live in? It makes me terribly sad.
It seems, like lemmings, people have been led to the edge of a sea of fear. Some of them will walk into it, never to return, while others will stand at the edge, trembling in fear, yet content in the belief they are doing as they should. At times, some will begin to wander back toward the world they knew before, hoping it will be as it was when they left it. Those remaining at the edge will scream for them to come back to safety; begging them to do as they’ve been told. It’s too soon to go back!
And those who refused to follow and worship with the multitudes who tremble and pray to the alter of fear? They are cursed and accused of bringing danger—even death—upon those who choose to do the “right thing”.

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Here Lies the Truth

Marbles In My Pocket ~ The Official Blog of Charles L. Mashburn ~ Poems, Short Stories, and random thoughts from the author of "Be Still... and know that I am God"

Growing up I was told, “A person is innocent until proven guilty.” It appears, this notion has been reversed, and I’m of the opinion a good portion of the blame—maybe most of it—can be directed at the Internet.

Don’t get me wrong, I love the Internet, but I believe there is such a thing as too much “information”.

There is an ever increasing plethora of information being posted on social networking sites that is often untrue, or, tells only a portion of the story. In either case, the person posting the information is pointing an accusing finger at the subject person and/or idea in the post, declaring their information to be true.

We have many huge issues in our country today, and discussion and sharing of information is important, but the overload of information we receive on a daily basis can be confusing and, all too often, misleading. We should research the subject, and attempt to confirm…

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