Then Quickly Gone

I’m not a poet in the sense I know what I’m doing, and I don’t often attempt to write in any certain form or structure. That said, the prompt, Form For All: Clarian Sonnets, offered up by Samuel Peralta this afternoon intrigued me enough to give it a whirl. I’m hoping what I’ve done is create a Clarion Sonnet!

Then Quickly Gone

Distant clouds mumble on a day yet to dawn

Dark as night and the sun seems forever gone

Flash of light then a snarling angry sound

Storm marches ‘cross the hills and shakes the ground

Wind howls as a lightning flash lights my face

Sunlight peeks then deep darkness in its place

Giant storm upon us, sputtering huge drops fall

Lightning ripping clouds, answers thunder’s call

On it rages, thrashing all in its path

Daring tree or man to withstand its wrath

Then quickly gone, leaving soft gentle rain

As sun chases giant t’ward northern plain

Drops glitter on grass stroked by sighing wind

From the north, storm snarls, I’ll soon come again


Copyright © 2011 C. Mashburn


  1. Laurie Kolp said

    This is a beautiful, descriptive clarian sonnet, Charles… great work. Send some of that rain my way, could you?

  2. drops glitter on grass…great visual that…i really love to watch the awesome power of a storm….really nice description man….

    • Yes, me too. I’ve always loved to watch storms!
      Thanks for the visit and comment, Brian!

  3. all time oldes said

    I particularly like the last three lines …lovely sonnet. Pam

  4. tashtoo said

    Well! This was just excellent! Charles…you do so have a way with words! Brian commented already on my favorite line, and I’m sitting here smelling the sizzle of electricity in the air.

    • Thank you for the awesome comment, Tash!
      You get the “Made My Day” button for this wonderful Thursday!

  5. Sherry Mashburn said

    great poem, Charlie!

  6. leahJlynn said

    I love any poem where it eludes to light chasing away dark and little glitter in form a refreshing rain drops. 🙂

  7. I like the capture of the storm and rain in your poem. As to writing to the form, it just takes practice and more practice. Happy day to you ~

    • Practice! I don’t do practice! 🙂
      Thanks for the visit and nice comment, Heaven!

  8. Shawna said

    We both got stormy with our poems. 🙂 The final couplet is my favorite:

    “Drops glitter on grass stroked by sighing wind
    From the north, storm snarls, I’ll soon come again”

  9. hedgewitch said

    I like this Charles, especially the middle couplets–that lightning ripping clouds part. I’m thankful we’ve missed most of that so far this year here, and just gotten the rain that makes things grow. I knew you’d be a natural with this form.

    • We’ve actually missed that part his year, too. The story was from another day. We’ve had lots of good rain with very little stormy stuff this year. Starting to dry out now though.
      I’m glad you liked the poem, and I appreciate the visit and comment!

  10. elizena said

    Loved it!! Okay, so I acted this out as I was reading it and my little brother happened to see me do this and just shook his head and said to his wife, “I told you she was nuts honey!” LOL!!
    I envisioned the thunder and lightening snarling like an angry giant doberman or a vicious lion on a rampage across the land. It’s teeth the lightening, it’s roar the thunder. This storm was a live entity screaming at us and forcing us to run and hide until it’s fury was passed. This poem was so vivid that I could actually feel the rain hitting my skin and feel the cold, wet blast of air as it almost knocked me to the ground.
    You are so good Charles!! Ahh yeah, I definitely liked this. Be blessed.

    • Sounds like you really got into this one, Elizena!
      I’m glad you enjoyed it.
      Maybe you need to charge admission for your performances!

  11. I like Clarian sonnets because I find them much less restrictive than the other sonnet forms (except maybe for blank verse sonnets). You definitely found the meter and rhyme right, and that’s all that it takes for a Clarian sonnet, really. But besides this, you chose quite a good subject to treat – a thunderstorm – and the beauty is that the subject is naturalistic, as John Clare’s sonnets usually were, and that makes it – so to speak – worthy.

    • I think it was the example you gave that sent me toward weather as a subject. I’m so glad you find it fitting, and I appreciate your kind appraisal.

  12. Wonderful job with form, Charles, and storm! K.

    • Thanks, K!
      I like this form. I can see how many of my rhyming poems could easily be altered to fit it, since I usually rhyme the 2nd and 4th lines; just make two lines out of the four and find the beat. Ha!
      Thanks for the visit and comment!

  13. claudia said

    ha…love me a decent storm…and even better when the sun is shining afterwards and the air soft and clean…very nice rob

  14. claudia said

    did i say rob….? ha…it’s way too early for me..sorry charles..

  15. Beautiful description of a storm, I love the pictue of the rain soaked grass. Quite beautiful indeed!

    • Thank you, Dianne! I ran out and took the picture after I wrote the poem. It didn’t really storm here yesterday–I used a storm from another day–and I just turned the sprinkler on for a minute to get the grass wet. Ain’t I creative?!?!

  16. David King said

    Distant clouds mumble on a day yet to dawn

    Dark as night and the sun seems forever gone

    Flash of light then a snarling angry sound

    This sets the scene so well. The apprehension is almost tangible.

    • The morning thunderstorms here in Texas are just like that, Dave. Sometimes the thunder makes some eerie sounds!
      Thanks for the great comment!

  17. poemsofhateandhope said

    what an awesome description and poetic tribute to the storm. This was really really strong…execllent form, excellent descriptions…..i love storms, ive been to texas and experienced a few- they’re a TINY bit bigger than the ones we have in the UK ha ha- sounds weird- but id love to see a twister….great job though charles this is seriously good

    • I’ve only seen one tornado, and I was really young. It waas on the other side of the river from where I waas picking wild plums with my aunt. She wasn’t even afraid, which causes me to wonder if it really happened, or perhaps I dreamed it.
      Thanks for the visit and comment, Stu. I appreciate it!

  18. hobgoblin2011 said

    Really nice job. Love the imagery here. That last line I love the way North Storm Snarls sounds, very cool. Thanks

  19. I could ‘t feel the metre, but loved the poem anyway for its strong description.

  20. Great work! Now I’m about to catch up on your other posts!

    • All righty then!
      Glad you enjoyed this one, and be waiting to hear what you think of the rest!

  21. Lydia said

    So descriptive of the storms I recall as a kid. They may be frightful, but they are also delightful.

  22. I think it’s perfect!

  23. Thunderstorms are so inspiring and you ran with that inspiration. Bravo!

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