A Sudden Fall

This poem is one about love and how the storms of life can suddenly cause it to be torn from our lives. It is also about those times when we have loved but not been in love. True love is the key, and when it is false, it cannot last. True love is not a game, it is the giving of oneself completely and unconditionally. Without the deep roots of commitment, the weak tree—false love—will surely fall.

I’m posting this poem on Jingle Poetry’s, Poetry Potluck today. Slip on over and take a look at some of the cool poems you will find there. Some very talented poets frequent Jingle’s site! 

A Sudden Fall


We danced in the heat of summer

Around us the air thick and sweet

Embraced in a bittersweet struggle

Ever seeking yet never complete


Moisture clinging to glistening bodies

Grass dark and wet with the dew

Black clouds build in the distance

My eyes seeing nothing but you


Days spent by a river run empty

The sun having dried it away

Still… we held on like a small one

Holds mother’s finger at end of day


Walks to nowhere, stop in a shade

Beneath oaks with arms open wide

Do you love me, you ask, holding breath

I do, yet not knowing… I lied


We sleep, things are moving unseen

In the morning storm comes to call

Love, a dry leaf, flutter earthward

The day dawns on a sudden fall


Copyright © 2011 C. Mashburn


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  1. Sherry Mashburn said

    Beautifully poignant

  2. marit said

    I like the first line of this a lot! Thanks for stopping my my site.

  3. Old Raven said

    Well this is wonderful and ever so true. We humans are so fallible. I appreciate that you wrote this without laughing at anyone. Really good. I chuckle for a piece of the poem upon which commented is saying much the same thing!

    • I’m not sure what you mean by “I appreciate that you wrote this without laughing at anyone.”
      And the similarity was noted, as well as the fact that your peice has to do with not only the raven, but the wolf. The original version of this poem was written in my “wolf”” years. While I have been fascinated by wolves since I was nine, I had a period in the late nineties where much of my writing was influenced by them.
      Thank you so much for the read and the wonderful comments..

  4. Jingle said

    sweaty and powerful,
    love the title, a job well done.

    Happy Potluck!

    • Sweaty! Now that’s a comment I can warm up to!
      Thanks, Jingle! I appreciate you a whole bunch!

  5. Miki said

    Awesome poem – you write beautifully!

    • Thank you, Miki! I appreciate you reading and commenting! Such wonderful compliments!

  6. thingy said

    This really moved me. Wonderful write.

  7. This is so beautiful.You must be a very deep poet. Please send me more. I can learn from you my friend.


    • Thank you, Melanie. I don’t know about deep, and I don’t know that you can learn from me, but you can see more of my poetry and writing here on my blog.
      Thanks again for the wonderful comments and compliments!

  8. Ravenblack said

    What a beautiful scene!

    “Do you love me, you ask, holding breath

    I do, yet not knowing… I lied”

    A lie, yet one feels it’s forgivable and itself done out of love. Truly awesome.

    Liked this poem very much. 🙂

  9. Timoteo said

    Very nice imagery here, (And thanks for the visit!)

  10. There is so much pain and confusion when we are in a relationship that is compelling but not complete/real. Smooth flowing poetry.

  11. Sam said

    Charlie, you’ve captivated what many of us undergo in certain relationships in our life… well written my friend.

  12. dsnake1 said

    so lovely, and poignant.

    these lines :“Do you love me, you ask, holding breath

    I do, yet not knowing… I lied”

    really nails it for me, and yeah, the intro is a great read too. Thanks!

    • Thank you! Those are some awesome comments, and I am deeply appreciative! Stop by again sometime!

  13. Andy said

    I am the kind of person who believes wholeheartedly in love. Its what I know, it’s who I am and it’s what I write about. Love is the greatest emotion ever bestowed upon us but sadly, it is often abused by those with unclean hearts. When I love, I give myself completely. To exist in this world without love is foreign to me.

    This was a very poignant and well-composed piece.
    Thank you for sharing with us (and for stopping by my blog).

  14. Katherine said

    A moving poem with excellent imagery. I can imagine the scene where all of these took place. Well done 🙂

  15. Kim Nelson said

    This is exceptional. The flow and rhyme scheme are quite pleasing and the emotions shared and evoked are strong and true.

    • Thank you so much, Kim. I very much appreciate you taking the time to read and comment on my poem. Your compliments are a wonderful bonus!

  16. Ashwini said

    You have created some lovely images, which make the feelings intense. Thank you for a visit to my blog. My best wishes to you!

  17. This is wonderful, lovely visuals I enjoyed reading this very much

  18. Shashi said

    Oh!!! It was beautiful… and your ending lines were perfect…
    ‘Love, a dry leaf, flutter earthward
    The day dawns on a sudden fall’

    Thanks for joining in the Poetry Potluck WK 43, which I am hosting for the first time, this week. Hope you have enjoyed it and I look forward to seeing you next week too with your lovely poetry…

    ॐ नमः शिवाय
    Om Namah Shivaya
    At Twitter @VerseEveryDay

    • Thank you so much, Shashi! I’m so glad you enjoyed the poem, and I truly appreciate your comments and visit. I am enjoying the site very much, too!

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