L. Aliens in the Morning

This is part six of the continuing saga, The Last Grain of Sand, which I began via a prompt at Bluebell Books’ Short Story Slam several weeks ago. The five previous parts are available by clicking on the links below. This new segment is being posted to  Kellie Elmore’s Free Write Friday. (By the way, Kellie; you’ve forced my hand, and I now believe this will have to go novel; novella at the very least!)

Part six:

L. Aliens in the Morning

I awoke mid-morning with a crick in my neck from sleeping on my back with no pillow. When I opened my eyes, the view out the over-sized tinted moon roof of the stretch limousine I’d spent the night in was one for the books.

Aliens had evidently surrounded me as I slept, and were staring down at me from high above. Their shaggy frond like hair hid the eyes of all but a few, but I knew I was the center of attention of each and every one of them. They either had the longest necks in the world, or they were anorexic and had no arms; strange creatures for sure.

Their eyes—those I could see—were large and pale, but seemed to almost glow as they studied me. Their heads leaned side to side ever so slowly as they glared down at me.

I smiled, thinking it somehow a good thing that my imagination was still intact. After the horrifying events of the last several days, which had left me alone—or so it seemed—in a city that had been home to millions, I was surprised my brain could still function on any level. All things considered, L. Aliens in the morning, was a pretty good way to start the day.

That was another strange thing about the situation; why me? Why out of all the people (I  often referred to them as L. Aliens) who’d been racing around doing the bizarre things people do in Los Angeles was I the lone survivor. At first, I thought it might be the rapture, but that didn’t make any sense. I surely wasn’t among the most devout followers of Jesus—far from it—but I couldn’t imagine that everyone but me had gotten it right. In fact, if you had to get it right, and this was the rapture, the city of L.A. should still be teeming with people.

Don’t get me wrong, I believe in God and the Bible, but let’s just say I hadn’t been a practicing believer for some time, and leave it at that.

I sat up, ran my fingers through my long hair, and wondered what I could find to eat in the clubhouse. In the last few days, as I’d worked my way eastward out of the city, I’d discovered these ritzy country clubs all had emergency solar generators, and therefore a pretty good supply of food in their walk-in refrigerators. The one thing they didn’t have was beds, but there were some mighty cushy rides in the parking lots, so I’d been doing okay in that regard, too.

Stepping out of the limo, I stretched and looked up at a mostly clear sky with just the wisp of a cloud here and there; the towering coconut palms waved gently side to side in the morning breeze.  I grinned, as the coconut’s eyes—eyes of the aliens—stared back at me.

The crack of a rifle shot wiped the grin off my face, and I dove back into the limo.

Copyright © 2012 C. Mashburn

Part one: The Last Grain of Sand

Part two: Hope

Part three: Like a Fairy Tale

Part four: Then There Were Three

Part five: Cinnamon



  1. Sherry Mashburn said

    DANG IT!! Another cliffhanger!!!!! Keep ’em comin’, baby.

  2. Sherry Mashburn said

    And I LOVE the term “L. Aliens”

  3. oooo, a rifle shot? wasn’t expecting that! nice bit of a tale here.

  4. Fabulous…I’m hooked! Now,when I make some time,I will be on the hunt for what preceded this. I too am working on a novel. (a Young Adult novel) I just may be requesting a signed copy of this when you are finished! Bravo!

    • Keep me posted on your novel, Susan!
      I think you will like the first few segments of this.
      Thanks for the visit and coment!

  5. Interest piqued! Keep ’em coming.

    • Will do! I hope you continue to enjoy the story!
      Thanks for the visit and comment!

  6. terri0729 said

    lol! You are endless with the surprises!! Wicked imagination you have, Charlie. I had a hard time reading this one today because I have MS eyes (not focusing right) and the print kept blurring in and out. so I’ll have to come back later and read it again to be sure that I got it all straight before you write the next chapter 🙂 Blessings, Terri

    • Sorry about your eyes, Terri. Hope they get better real soon!
      Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Well I say GREAT! Def a novel (or novella) I would purchase! So, keep that pen going! I’ll have something more for you to add next week too! 🙂

    …and HOW CLEVER on the L. Aliens! Palm tree’s as big freaky space people LOL! Love your wit, Charles! You never cease to amaze and entertain me! Thanks for coming back and I cannot barely wait til the next chapter!!!

    • Yes, I do beleive the L. Aliens thing is a stroke of genius wit. Ow! Hurt my arm pattin myself on the back!
      I’m seriously contemplating a novel, tying in some other things I wrote last year. If I do, I will probably post excerpts, because I’ll need to start fleshing it out a bit, instead of writing blog-length pieces. But if I do dig in, it’ll be on your head Kellie Elmore! I could not believe it when I read your prompt this morning! PALM TREES! There’s no palm trees in central Texas! I thought about a story from one of the characters–no. A dream sequence–no–They’re a last resort for me. So I finally gave in and said, okay we got to put a character in L.A. But! I figured if I did, it was going to have to get complicated and get into novel mode. See what you did!

  8. Again a great addition to your tale…Who was shooting and why? Will he escape? I await the next chapter 🙂

    • Thanks, Susie! I’m thinking of turning these first segments into a novel, and if so I may post excerpts as I go. Not sure. At some point I would have to stop posting, or no one would need to buy the novel!
      Thanks for the visits and comments!

  9. lol I love it! grinned my whole way through it.

    • Thank you, Kelley! I love it when I can make em grin!
      I appreciate the visit and comment!

  10. jennifer said

    brilliant! Loved the intrigue x

  11. elizena said

    Another survivor!! Yes, I’m so happy to see that there might be four some time soon. For some reason this kind of reminded me a bit of The Stand, but I actually like the characters and I look forward to each chapter and their own personal stories. Once again, you’ve done an awesome job. Now where’s the next chapter? LOL! Blessings. 🙂

    • It is very similar to The Stand, but the premise and the story I have in mind are quite different. I’m going back and forth on whether to begin in earnest the turning it into a novel.
      Thank you for the awesome comment!

  12. Mikael said

    Is this a different character now who will cross paths with Chase, Lilly and Ben? I like puzzles. =)

    • hmmmmm… could be. I love writing novels where there are several stories going on at the same time. It gives the reader another reason to keep reading, because I do my best to leave them hanging at the end of each chapter. That’s also why I like to do short chapters.

  13. Kirsten said

    Geez, Charles…really! I guess you aren’t going to let me get away with reading just one or two chapters a day, huh? lol

    I’ve got to keep reading so I know what happened to the kids and who had the shotgun!!!

    Great read!

    • Oh, yeah! Read on, girl! I got ya in my hooks now!

      • Kirsten said

        Now there is no need to gloat, Charles!! lol 🙂 I’m really enjoying your writing, though

      • Oh, I know, but sometimes I can’t help being an old gloat!

  14. Kirsten said

    I might just have to call you OG from now on! lol

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