Popcorn and Soda Pop

We weren’t poor when I was a kid, but we didn’t have many luxuries either. The thing is we never gave it much thought, because there was somebody looking out for us who did her best to see we had everything that was within her power to provide. To this day, she doesn’t realize how powerful she was and still is. But we do.

Popcorn and Soda Pop


It was the little things

Though there were big things too

And to this day, she doesn’t take any credit

Doesn’t know maybe

How awesome she was… is

Says she made lots of mistakes

Uh-huh… don’t we all


What she doesn’t realize is

We don’t remember the mistakes

Probably don’t even know about most of them

We just remember how much she loved us

Not because of anything she did

Or the things she bought for us

Things we know she had to sacrifice for


She probably doesn’t realize

We noticed she did without things

Worked extra shifts

At hard and sometimes meaningless jobs

Just so we could have the things we wanted


And she probably doesn’t realize

How much we remember the little things

Like those occasional Saturday nights


A six-pack of Barqs or Nehi

A variety of flavors

So we could all choose one

The lid banging on the big pan

As she slid it back and forth across the burner

The corn popping, sounding like muffled firecrackers

The smell of warm butter


Then all of us sitting on the floor

A bottle of soda pop in one hand

The other hand digging in that big old bowl


Watching whatever was on the TV

Didn’t matter what it was

We were together… and loved

By the best mom in the world

What more could a kid want


Copyright © 2012 C Mashburn


Sharing this with dVerse Poets Pub on their Open Link Night #74


  1. Susan said

    Made me cry…the good kind. 😉

  2. What a tribute to your mom and your childhood.!! Beautiful God Bless:)

  3. Hi Charles; Thanks for the memories my friend… Blessings to you and yours this Christmas… Bro Pat 🙂

  4. Ken said

    True Dat Bro! True Dat! I totally remember the six pack to which you refer, red pop , big orange , root beer! And real pop corn with the old pot like you said, no microwave back then. LOL and of course the Best MOM ever ! Cheers Kennny Don

    • Hey, lil brother! Good to see a comment from you on here! Definitely some good memories. I swear, when I think about it, I can hear that lid clanging and smell the corn poppin!

  5. big smiles man…i remember like jiffy pop and running it over the eye…and def moments in front of the tv with fam…back then it was something special…we only had a few channels so there was not so much temptation to watch every day…..cool nostalgia in this man…

    • Three channels and the aluminum antenna on the roof. Cable wasn’t even an idea yet.

  6. claudia said

    it’s the little things…so true…what a wonderful warm-hearted write charles..your mom sounds like she has a beautiful heart..

  7. Great to have a mother who is a good mother too. Never might not have had much but, she made sure you had everything you needed and a little bit more besides.
    Loved this 🙂

  8. Laurie Kolp said

    I will never forget Jiffy popcorn either and now I want some.

    • This was even before Jiffy Pop, Laurie! Or maybe it was around, but out of our price range. This was pour a little oil in the pan, heat it up, then pour in the kernels. Put the lid on, and shake like crazy so the popped ones wouldn’t stay on the bottom and burn!

  9. ah, wisdom of a grown child… and the simplicity of thing which make kids happy

  10. tashtoo said

    Yup…more happy tears from this reader…Charles…you ROCK! Seriously!

    • Yes’m. Mom called and wanted to know why I made her cry. I told her it’s my job.
      Thanks, Tash!

  11. How touching. A mom couldn’t want anything more than to be remembered this way — warm and fragrant love!

  12. Tony said

    That’s the way a man should talk – and be able to talk – about his mother. I loved the muffled firecrackers too 🙂

  13. Mary said

    Your mother knew the important things about family and made sure that you had them. The joy of being together doing the simple things of life is truly what it is all about; and your mother seemed an artist with knowing how to develop family closeness! A warm write.

    • Yes, she did, Mary! She raised some pretty good kids in a pretty rough situation. We were/are blessed!

  14. ayala said

    It is all about the little things. Your mom sounds great…what a lovely poem and memory.

  15. How sweet Charles ~ To be loved is the best gift and memory she can give you ~ Worldly stuff comes and go, but the parent’s love and sacrifices will always be remembered ~

  16. Sherry Mashburn said

    She’s still a great mom . . . and the BEST mother-in-law, too!

  17. ahhhh, cute tribute

  18. And in the end the greatest gift, the greatest memory, is the love we share. This made me cry. What a lovely tribute.

  19. those are some great memories charles, well shown, they strike a very familiar chord for me, thanks so much 😉

    esp liked,

    “all of us sitting on the floor

    A bottle of soda pop in one hand

    The other hand digging in that big old bowl


    Watching whatever was on the TV…”

    yeah, 😉

  20. poemsofhateandhope said

    so good charles…such heartfelt nostalgia….and love?….is worth more than gold…even more than that….great emotive poem

  21. Very sweet. Wonderful that you still have her. K.

  22. rmp said

    I can’t think of anything more one could wish for. I never much thought about it, but I can’t point to any mistakes–not with so many much more important things to think on.

  23. kaykuala said

    You’ve said it Charles! A mother’s love knows no bounds so also her sacrifices that we may live a better life! Nicely!


  24. Kim Nelson said

    Beyond wonderful, this. Any mom would be proud, as writer/son seems to be. Lovely.

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