
I wrote the following poem while out of town working at one of the state parks on the Texas gulf coast; a park that is no longer there; completely destroyed in 2008 by Hurricane Ike.  The destruction done by Ike damaged me a bit; left me feeling hollow; survivor’s guilt, they call it. Many lost everything–I lost nothing. Seeing this poem makes me realize I can probably write about it now. I’ve kept the emotions from the experience at bay for a long time.

Posting this poem (written years before Ike) on Thursday Poets’Rally 53. Stop in and read some of the wonderful poetry on their site!



Up early

Nothing new, but different

The sun still somewhere else

I think it might be a perfect day

To watch it arrive


As I slip between the cabins

Through the early morning haze

A gray shape darts from nowhere

Dodging stones not thrown

A seagull cries in the distance


At the beach I look across grey water

A hint of pink lines distant clouds

Sand, raked by man and machine

Turns golden in the first light

Gulls hunt then battle for scraps upturned


A toddler squats, entranced

By a broken shell

Time-worn trash to most

A treasure—a wonder—to her

Her wonder—a treasure—to me


Copyright © 2002 C. Mashburn


  1. Morning said

    double the treasure, wow.

    enjoyed the gem,

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Morning said

    PS: I did not see your link in the linkz collection, you may forget,

    link in before making comments, easier for poets on blogger to visit you.

    Thanks in advance.

  3. Eric said

    Our children can make us feel young again… when they’re not busy making us feel old.

  4. Kremo said

    beautifully penned ! especially the last couple of lines !

  5. last line is the best “her wonder — a treasure — to me”

  6. Sherry Mashburn said

    What a lovely picture this paints in my mind . . . to see that wonder on a little face . . . how I wish it were mine.

  7. The sun is always somewhere else…

  8. terri0729 said

    Beautiful Charlie! The wonder of a child is ever so precious and truly is a treasure. Peace and love, Terri

  9. That third stanza is beautiful!

  10. Awww you captured the awe of a child so wonderfully here. It’s so heart-warming to see their wide eyed innocence, what a lovely walk with you. I have a friend who lived in the heart of New Orleans, she and her family lost everything to Katrina, moved to Texas and have never managed to get back to New Orleans again through finances, you can tell that although she’s happy in Texas, her heart belongs to New Orleans.
    Lovely read, thank you.

    • So many have suffered displacement due to storms and floods. While it is indeed sad, I think with hard work and determination they can one day go back home.
      Thank you for the awesome comments!

  11. On the one hand a poem of enjoying the subtle difference of each day and the nice ending of wonder shared from different perspectives. Still, with you introduction there are lines that speak ominously. It gives the poem added depth.


  12. j said

    I love how you tell the story and how one is transported into what you saw and felt.

  13. The child in me sees the child in you, and knows we play on the same shores, and see the same treasures. Wonderful Charles, thank you!

  14. manicddaily said

    Beautiful pacing. Lovely turn of phrase, and idea.

  15. I like the simplicity of your colour words. The poem offers a lot of calm despite the context.

  16. ghosterb said

    Nicely done my friend! I can close my eyes and picture everything you wrote, very nice.

  17. Ina said

    I agree to all of the above, and I love the poem!

  18. kez said

    beautiful and think you capture the environs wonderfully but adore the way you captured the childs joy and yeah aren’t they are little gems ….loved it thank you x

  19. You’ve painted a lovely picture here Charles. I love the last two lines 🙂

  20. Old Raven said

    This is a wonderful poem … universal really. I truly loved the last stanza pressing the issue that “indeed, we are all one in spirit.”

  21. I have spent a good deal of time on Sanibel Island with my parents and this is just the feel when I am there. Wonderful writing as ever!! Thank you for sharing with me. I look forward to your toast post!

    • I’ll get that one posted at the first opportunity! I think you will enjoy it.
      Thank you for the nice comments. They mean a great deal to me!

  22. Rajlakshmi said

    I loved the imagery… described from different angles 😀 beautiful write

  23. Absolutely love this one!

  24. fiveloaf said

    love the picture charles and tq for coming by..

  25. Andy said

    This poem made me feel somewhat sad.
    The very last line was most poignant.
    A lovely write from you, Charles.

    Thanks for sharing.
    I always appreciate your visits & comments too.

    Yesterday With You

  26. poetryroad said

    Thanks for stopping by my site. I really enjoyed this and was truly moved by your words but more so by your motivation to write it. I felt that way about Joplin. It is strange how weather can be such an emotionally charged subject. It leaves us with so many conflicting feelings which you showed very vividly here with this poem. Thanks!

    • Thanks for the thoughtful comments. I appreciate your visit to my blog and your kind words.

  27. I love your last stanza yes a broken shell is a treasure to children so well done and I love your poems and coming here to read your work thank you

  28. mairmusic said

    Kids’ joy can be so reviving– I like the morning feel of this.

  29. Rosie said

    The two concluding lines – genius!

    • Genius! I like that! Never been called that before!
      Thanks for the great comment, Rosie!

  30. clariice said

    A peaceful feel to the poem, depicting things close to the heart. I like the last bit especially, to each one sees dear.

  31. Absolutely love the imagery within the words, lovely descriptions, really good write….and….gulls are my fav birds 🙂

  32. A beautiful piece, there are few things as precious as a child’s wonder.

    • Thank you very much! I appreciate the visit and kind comments!

    • Very true. Watching a child watch the world is a treat to be savored.
      Thanks for the nice comments!

  33. Very nicely done! Sucked me in and almost gave me vertigo when the perspective changed in the end… I liked it a lot!

    • Cool! I never gave anyone vertigo! Well… there was that time in Sacramento.
      Thanks for the great comments, CC!

  34. […] second poem I ended up on was by Marbles in my pocket, titled Treasure. Charles Mashburn, the blogger/poet who runs this blog often stops by here and comments (we […]

  35. tigerbrite said

    And the poem is a little treasure too:)

  36. Strong and vivid poem. Great stuff.

    Here is my entry:

    • Thanks, Jack! I appreciate the visit and comments!
      I read your poem yesterday and tried to lelave a comment. Got this message: We’re sorry, but we were unable to complete your request. I’ve been getting that from a lot of the Blogger sites this week.
      In any case, I liked your poem. Very realistic, and I think I was Gary more than a few times in the past! Nice write!

  37. A treasure—a wonder—to her

    Her wonder—a treasure—to me

    – nicely done!

    Check out my collection of poetry from my list: “A Murder of Poems”

    • Thanks for the comment, Julian!
      I’ll drop by and check out some more of your poems.

  38. Lu Ann said

    The last line is so beautiful… I enjoyed. Thanks for sharing!

  39. dsnake1 said

    just beautiful! vivid and moving imagery.
    reminds me to love every new day that comes along. 🙂

  40. This poem is heartmeltingly beautiful.

  41. Hema said the last two lines! Theya re such a treasure!

  42. Cherlyn said

    Aww that’s so cute. Love how children can find the most meaning in things we as adults may overlook. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  43. Well written and lovely poem. Your imagery is excellent.


  44. Your final stanza is magical! Lovely poem with beautiful images.


  45. wonder and treasure all in one…quite a bargain

    my entry

    Triolet VI

  46. Very good. I enjoyed reading.

  47. anjum wasim dar said

    expextations of happiness in a new day-miracles result in positivity

  48. Bupinder Singh said

    real treasure

  49. mbwilliams said

    ‘her wonder…a treasure to me’

    Love this line especially – a great poem. Mornings are magic times

  50. I live in a seaside town, and you’ve inspired me to take a little trip down to the beach tomorrow, weather permitting!

  51. This is so lovely Charles. It is always the case when somebody sees something extraordinary in what is considered by most as ordinary. Blessings 🙂

  52. the last lines packed quite a punch, really enhanced the piece bringing it all together, wonderfully 🙂

  53. caridwen said

    As usual, a wonderful offering to your Muse!

  54. Leonargo said

    Your poem is a treasure! Beautiful imagery woven here.

  55. You’ve written about my favorite place to be:the beach. Your last line is heartfelt. You have a way of giving us that last litlle shock at the end so many times. It’s what I love about your poems.
    Very nice,Charles.

    my entry:

    • The beach is indeed a magical place, and it has always inspired me to write.
      Thanks for the wonderful comments, Isadora!

  56. Very evocative Charles, great imagery, and super thoughts.

  57. This was a well written work. Beautiful in its use of color and imagery.
    The ending was satisfying and emotional
    It was pleasure to read.

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