Mom Was Always There

How can I say it any better; how can I explain a mom who loved her children unconditionally—still does. She’s the greatest, and yes, even when I wasn’t what she’d hoped I would be, she was still there. I thank God for her and her love… not just on her birthday… but every day I live.

Thanks, Mom, for always being there.

I love you!

Mom Was Always There


As far back as I can remember

There’s been a lady with auburn hair

That I can count on when I need her

My Mom is always there


I used to bring friends home for lunch

I’d bring lots of them, she didn’t care

She’d fix lunch for the whole darn bunch

My Mom was always there


She took us to church and Sunday school

She taught us to help and to share

She made sure we knew about God’s love

My Mom was always there


She came to all my baseball games

I’d get embarrassed, but I didn’t care

I can still hear her screaming my name

My Mom was always there


As I got older and I’d hit bad times

And it seemed life was too much to bear

I’d call and she’d make me feel better

My Mom was always there


No, there’s no one quite like my Mother

So very few that can compare

A smile and a laugh that bring sunshine

My Mom is always there


And when I lay down each night

There’s always one thing in my prayers

I ask God to watch and protect her

So my Mom will always be there


Copyright © 1995 C. Mashburn

Sharing this poem with The Promising Poets’ Parking Lot’s, Thursday Poets Rally 55. Drop by and take a look at some of the wonderful poetry on display there.



  1. Ina said

    This poem speaks so warmly of your love for your mother, lovely.

  2. Adura Ojo said

    Just finished speaking to my mum…she called. I know exactly what you mean. She’s always there. Thank God for wonderful mums.

  3. Jacqui BB said

    Your mother must be quite special. Hope you have shared this poem with her.

    • Oh, yes, she is very special, and I have shared it with her many times. It is framed and hangs on a wall in my home.
      Thank you for the comment!

  4. Nice job Charles. Enjoyed it very much.

  5. Without Mom where would we all be?

  6. Incredibly touching; I had a bad relationship with my mother for most of my life, and it’s only now I’m a little older that I can appreciate that while she may not be perfect, she tried to do the best for me.

    I hope one day I can be the mother you speak of. I always enjoy your writing.

    • I think the desire to be a good one is half the battle. There are no instruction manuals, and we just have to do the best we know how. But as long as love is the key ingredient, I think you will succeed.
      Thanks for the comments!

  7. Jo Bryant said

    this poem shouts out about the bond with your mother – lovely

  8. Absolutely brilliant 🙂 Lovely to see someone thinking so highly of their mum and lucky you for having so great a mum.

    • I am very lucky, and will never let Mom forget it. She is the best!
      Thanks for the great comments!

  9. i believe that any comment would be too little considering the beauty of maternal love and the wonderful way in which you present it here 🙂

  10. I lost my mother suddenly just 2 days before her 56th birthday. That was in 1989, still miss her as much today as I did back then. I’m glad your mom knows how much she is loved and appreciated.

  11. Kick Out The Jams said

    That is so nice and touching Charles, beautiful sentiment…

  12. Abby Kelly said

    I love it! One can never pay enough respect, love or admiration to a mother. And each one is the best one ever!
    Here’s a poem I wrote about my mom!

    Who do you consider to be your role model?

  13. what a magical ode to your mother,
    she reads it smiling.


  14. Sounds like she is an amazing person to have a poem written in such a fashion. Good job!

  15. Kay Salady said

    Very sweet. You are among the blessed.

    The Darkness

  16. Wow – this made me cry. My Mom died when I was a little girl so I never got to write anything like this for her or feel like someone was always there for me. You have done a beautiful tribute to her in many ways, but I must say, being the mother of a 32 year old daughter, I’m pretty sure that your Mom feels no disappoijntment in you – no matter what. She loves you as being perfect, just the way you are, dents, faults, cracks, slips, spills, and mistakes included.

    • So sorry about your mom, Cindy.
      Yes, you are right about mine, and I am so blessed!
      Thanks for the great comments!

  17. your mom rocks,

    what unbreakable bond you have with your mom,
    admirable love.

    Happy Rally.

  18. terri0729 said

    Charlie, What an amazing and wonderful tribute to your mother!!! I really loved it a lot. Great job! Peace, love and blessings, Terri

  19. Wonderful to read of such a supporting mother–mine is the same way; I talked to her today: she’s always there 🙂

  20. What an amazing woman she must be. My mother is just the same, she is always there when I need her. In return I am not always there for her.

    • Thanks for the comments!
      I read your entry and like it, but was not able to comment on your site, because I don’t have a Google email account.

  21. Alcina said

    A great tribute to mom..she must be all smiling for these heartfelt words.. 🙂


  22. chimnese said

    our mothers are the first love sof our live sthey make us ready for whats to come later when we grew up..amazing Charles, really touched my heart in these verses.

  23. You write with such warmth about your loved ones. They are real lucky to be loved by you.

    Another brilliant piece mate.

  24. C Rose said

    Such a touching piece Charles, loved the expression and sentiment of this. ~ Rose

  25. Your love for your mum shines through this poem. Well written 🙂

  26. ZQ said

    Why at a later stage in my life, after all my children have left, do I feel this yearning for my mother and father?
    Well done to bring me here (in the present) with this piece.

    • It is strange how our lives take us places we don’t expect.
      Thanks for the visit and comment, ZQ!

  27. ahhhpoetry said

    This is a beautiful tribute to your mom, we should all have moms like that, and I did, and we should all be moms like that, I endeavored to be. Thank you for sharing!

  28. What a warm and loving tribute to your mom – it touched my heart.
    I would have to say the same characteristics were found in my dad (sadly no longer with me) … my mom, bless her heart, did the best she could with the skills she had – but alas, although she tries, she is not mothering/grandmothering material!

    Thank you for sharing!!

  29. Mohana said

    You make me miss my mom, Charles. This is such a beautiful, heart-warming piece. Thank you for sharing it.

    • It’s okay to miss your mom! I miss mine all the time!
      Thanks for the kind comments!

  30. shoelessboywonder said

    Truly kind words for your mom…enjoy the time you have together 🙂

  31. Lovey images! So grateful you had such a wonderful Mom


  32. kez said

    what a beautiful poem the sort every mother would love to have written about her ……thank you for sharing x x x

  33. Lovely and endearing! 🙂

  34. dsnake1 said

    wow, what a touching and lovely poem. your mum must be a very special person. 🙂

    you post reminds me about my mother, who lost her fight against illness a decade ago, but she still lives in my heart.

    • So sorry about your mother. I’m glad she was special!
      Thanks for the comments!

  35. Jess said

    a very loving tribute

  36. Zoe said

    This is just lovely. My good friend has just lost a mom who sounds a lot like yours. I pray that she is, indeed, always there for you.

  37. pure2core said

    Really I always look forward to your writings ..Simple words and lovely presentation of heart spread out with such an excellence. Very nice tribute to your mom. Thank you for sharing this post Sir…

  38. Hope said

    this is so beautiful! thank you for expressing your sentiments. and done so well!

    thank you for your visit and comment
    take care!

  39. Miss Kitten said

    Beautiful, Charles. Very poignant. Here’s my rally piece this week:

    Kicking Hope

  40. Sweet!

  41. To consider this was written in 1995 and in 2011 it still makes so much sense. I cut my cap~


    • Yes, and it still applies perfectly.
      Thanks for the visit and comment, Emmanuel!

  42. My mom just passed last year..very poignant writing, this is.

  43. ashbeezone said

    Very Nice Poetry with an amazing Imagination
    Great Work of Creativity !! Highly Expressive !!

    It was indeed enjoyable after reading this one !!

    Plus, I loved your Blog ambiance. Amazing

    Anyways, Take a look some of my Poetry Collections …

    some of my Haiku Collections

    and also, on my very recent Work as well

    Lend a Hand

    !!! Happy Rally !!!
    Cheers !!

  44. Cherlyn said

    Brings tears to my eyes – a wonderful tribute to your mother! Thank you for sharing 🙂 Wonderful!

  45. A fabulous tribute–I hope your mom loved it! Thanks for sharing this one for the rally.

  46. Simple words but a profound message. A heartfelt tribute which I’m sure she loved.

  47. Leo said

    Wow. This is a rich tribute Charles 🙂 very beautiful.

  48. Andy said

    Hello Charles.
    I can so relate to this poem more than you know.

    To this day, I remember my late father’s dying words that I must always look after my mother when he was gone. I was a young teenager when dad died & I never understood what he meant by those words. We were poor & dad was the only bread winner in our family. There were a lot of mouths to feed, but we never went to bed hungry & we always had clothes on our backs, even if we had nothing else. Life was tough for mom after dad died. She was a simple, uneducated woman & had no skills for a job. I saw her shed many tears when she thought we weren’t looking, but in spite of her trials and tribulations, mom always remained graceful & humble. She raised us kids with good morals, to always show love and to be grateful for the tiniest things in life. Even today, as she approaches her 80th year on this earth, her humility has remained with her.

    It’s only with maturity & wisdom that I’ve come to realize what my dad meant with those dying words. This is why I will do anything for my mom if it’s within my power. As far as I’m concerned, mom is a queen & deserves to be put high up on a pedestal. I worship the ground she walks on & love her more than my own life. There’s a special place in my heart reserved for only her that no one can ever take away or replace.

    Your love and respect for your mom shines through in this poem & I commend you for expressing it so beautifully.

    Thank you for sharing & visiting. Your comments are always welcome & appreciated.

    A Weeping Rose

    • What a wonderful story, Andy. I understand more now how you can write poetry so full of love. You were raised on it.
      Thank you so much for the wonderful comments, and for sharing part of your story with me.

  49. Jared A Muscat said

    I almost feel as if your mom was there for me! Well written.

  50. sweet ode to mom.


  51. I might just be having a bit of a rough day, but this one made me long so much for my grandmother! Delightfully playful and still so deep… Brilliant as always, Charles!

  52. This was a moving and beautiful poem. I was especially moved by the ending. Thank you for sharing

  53. My mom is amazing 🙂 we are today for what our mom’s have given us in life 🙂

  54. Ankoku Hikaru said

    Nicely Written, and beautiful thought.
    My apologies for the late comment.

  55. simply beautiful! I love your mom for being her and for sharing you to the world 🙂

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