Disturbing the Air

Sometimes life throws you fastballs, sometimes curves, and sometimes a big ol’ change up comes floating across the plate, and you swing at it three times before it plops into the catcher’s glove. The following poem doesn’t have anything to do with baseball, but it has a lot to do with life, and sometimes as we struggle along our way, we feel like we’re just disturbing the air.

Disturbing the Air


Too easily distracted

I often find myself

In the midst of life’s battles

With no shield or armor


Swept along in the current

Of worldly affairs

I find myself defenseless

On the outside of my stronghold


And so it is on this day

I struggle to define the difference

Between things that matter

And things that do not


Many times finding them intertwined

Compounding my confoundedness

But I refuse to give in

And continue to seek knowledge


Looking eagerly forward to the day

When the difference—the way

Is clear and I can focus

On those things that truly matter


The day I can march boldly

Shield and armor of faith in place

Toward my destination

Without sway diversion or doubt


Alas… that day… is not today


Copyright © 2012 C. Mashburn

Stop by the dVerse Poetry Pub and check out their Open Link Night ~ Week 43. Some good stuff there!


  1. chris said

    Good one! I know this problem well.

    • Yep, it a familiar malady; not to be confused with the same old song.
      I appreciate the visit and comment, Chris!

  2. ihatepoetry said

    But keep punching! Like the inspirational tone of this.

  3. The Way – does the mind ever quit its exploration – lost in a wood and there always seems to be “many” paths and surely each turn makes some difference yet I suspect they all ultimately lead home. Faith is your measure, and the journey is for learning. Just be sure to pay attention whatever your path, after all you’re leaving signposts and touchstones for those who follow.

    • Right on, Gay! Focus is the key! Choose your path and stay your eyes upon it!
      Thanks for the awesome comment!

  4. smiles…it is something we must think on every morning in rising…what is important and what armor do we wear out intot he battle for surely it is a battle and there are many days i stumble home pulling a fletching from my posterior….

  5. Compounding my confoundedness sounds like a definition of daily routine…ahhhh, retirement, where art thou?
    Well said Charles!

    • I could not resist that line! Almost used it for the title!
      Thanks for the visit and comment, Susan!

  6. Yes, always keep on keeping on. No-one said we have to be perfect, as long as we don’t keep repeating the same mistakes over and over, we are moving forward in our learning.
    Well said Charles.

    • Yep! Like I always say, the next step is the most important one you will ever take!
      Thanks for the visit and comment, Daydreamer!

  7. This is a great poem, and such an honest reflection on life. Mixture of frustration, doubt, hope & faith…and the ending is perfect!

    Keep up the great work!

  8. I hear you Charles and as agnostic a soul as I am, I could also hear Onward Christian Soldiers and Marching to Pretoria throughout; the poem has rhythm and verve and I will join your battle and your march … yesssss


  9. Some days I feel so let down and bewildered by all the crazy things ~ Your poem resonated with me ~ Happy day to you ~


  10. Sherry Mashburn said

    Cool! Love the intro, too.

  11. leahJlynn said

    I can totally relate to this honest poem.,It’s true we go through many things feeling we are defenseless.and o get the last two lines. Blessings

  12. Raivenne said

    I see what you mean on our similar minds today. Yes, I can relate to this. I’m still stumbling and bumbling along on my path hoping it’s the right direction. And on occasion having to back track part of a trail when I’ve fallen slightly off. Here’s to better days for us both tomorrow.

    • Oh, don’t mind my writings, Raivenne. Yesterday wasn’t a bad day at all; the write was contrived from an piece of prose I’d written last year. But, there are bad days; we wouldn’t know the good ones if not for the bad to compare them to.

  13. Mary said

    I understand what you are saying about finding yourself defenseless. I sometimes feel the same way and have to find a way to muster my strength with whatever ‘armor’ I have at my side. I think we all have to keep keeping on, despite ‘diversion or doubt.’

    • I don’t really find myself defenseless, but sometimes feel that way. And, yes, we definitely have to forge on, despite any and all things that come against us.
      Thanks for the great comment, Mary!

      • Mary said

        I know what you mean, Charles.

  14. Well captured Charles… those days are sent to try us!

    • We’ll face trials, big and small, daily. I just keep plowing through them, moving toward the light!
      Thanks for the visit and comment!

  15. hedgewitch said

    WordPress is just driving me crazy lately–it refused to let me log in earlier when I tried to comment and still won;t let me ‘like’ this post, which i do, very much. I think we all feel like this, much of the time–you hit a nerve. (But in a good way. ;_) )

    • Technology is great when it’s working right, but it sure can contribute to our confoundedness when it ain’t!

      • hedgewitch said

        Yeah! Whack it with your sword for me, will ya? 😉

      • ah’ight den

  16. hypercryptical said

    Lovely! We do all think like this at times and may never find the answer/peace we are searching for – nevertheless goal achieved or not – it shows we are thinking and we are still alive in ourselves.

    Anna :o]

    • Good thoughts are a good thing, and come in all forms; the key is in how we use them.
      Thanks for the visit and comment!

  17. SandySays1 said

    Great philo— Both me and my human liked it! And so true.

    • Thanks, Sandy! I took Dockers over to visit your blog, and she loves your stories.
      I hope you’ll stop by again!

  18. shanyns said

    Very well done my friend, I know those days, but with faith we can put on the armor and pray we don’t need to use it!

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