Bubba and Barker

I am submitting this to Bluebell Books’ weekly Short Story Slam. The picture is their prompt for this week, and it seemed like something I could work with. This is the first time I have ever attempted to write a children’s story. Let me know what you think of it.

Bubba and Barker

It was a small circus; the tent was faded and dusty; and most of the animals were old and tired from the years on the road and doing their tricks for the customers. Bubba was by far the youngest of all the animals, and the least trained, as well. He’d only recently been purchased from a zoo in a big city.

Bubba wasn’t a bad elephant—at least he didn’t mean to be—but it seemed like he was always knocking things over with his tail and his trunk, and making such a mess. He felt bad sometimes, but most of the time he didn’t let it bother him. He was a happy little guy. But the zookeeper said they were losing money, and couldn’t afford to keep Bubba. Lucky for Bubba, Big Jim Dandy, the owner of the circus that was passing through town, heard about Bubba and agreed to buy him


Country Nights with Dog and Elephant

One night, not long after Bubba had joined the circus, he was wandering down the midway, and when he came to the end of the booths he saw a small dog sitting at the edge of the forest. The dog—it was actually a puppy—had a huge grin on his face, and was wagging his tail like crazy. He was mostly white, with little patches of black here and there on his sleek white coat. Bubba thought maybe they could be friends, so he trotted over to the puppy and blared a greeting.

That sent the little white puppy scurrying off, and he peeked out at Bubba from behind a small tree. Bubba swayed side to side and made a noise that sounded like laughter. He thought it was funny that the puppy’s head was on one side of the tree, and his tail—still wagging—was sticking out the other side.

When the puppy heard the little elephant laugh, he came running out from behind the tree and ran circles around Bubba. He was yipping and barking and running, and it made Bubba so dizzy trying to keep up with him. Bubba finally sat down with a big “ker-thump”!

The dog stopped in front of Bubba and with its chin on the ground and it’s wildly wagging tail in the air, barked and barked at Bubba. Bubba decided that was the puppy’s name: Barker. He blared another elephant laugh, and when he did, Barker rolled over then rolled back again and continued to wag his tail. Bubba thought that was a pretty good trick, so he rolled over, then rolled back and sat looking at the puppy. The puppy suddenly stopped barking, and stared past Bubba.

Bubba looked over his shoulder, and saw his trainer, Toby Tarvel, standing right behind him. At first, Bubba was worried he was in trouble for wandering too far from the midway, but when he saw Toby smile, he knew everything was okay.

Toby said, “It looks like you found a friend, Bubba. He seems to be a smart little fella, too.” When he said that, Barker started wagging his tail harder than ever. Toby said, “Do you know any more tricks?”

Barker jumped up and began to dance on his hind legs, barking and wagging his tail as he went in circles.

Toby looked at Bubba and said, “Can you do that trick, too?”

Bubba thought, well, of course I can, and he stood up on his hind legs and spun around, then kicked out one leg then the other. Toby was amazed!

So that’s how it all started. Barker and Bubba learned lots of tricks and became the stars of the circus, performing in little country towns everywhere. And each night, when the final show was over, they would parade happily down the midway, Barker prancing along with Bubba right behind him, holding onto his little white tail. A million stars twinkled above them, as if the heavens were as happy as Barker and Bubba.

They were best friends forever.


Picture by Manic D Daily at http://manicddaily.wordpress.com/page/3/



  1. Sherry Mashburn said

    This is great!!! What a wonderfully happy little tale!

  2. kez said

    Lovely …. I do wish I had little children I could read these wonderful tales to …thank you from a regressed adult

  3. Vangie said

    Wonderful story, you continue to amaze me. And amuse me too I might add.

    • Thanks, m’dear. As always, your comments are greatly appreciated! This one was fun, seeing as it was my first attempt at children’s story telling. I enjoyed it. Might try it again. The picture made it easy!

  4. Ina said

    A beautiful story. 🙂

  5. aww so sweet!

  6. Awww I love a happy ending!! Great little story for kids considering it’s your first.

    • Thanks so much! I’ve thought about doing some children’s stuff through the years, but never got around to it. i enjoyed the diversion and challenge of giving it a whirl.
      Thanks for the visit and comments!

  7. thingy said

    Adorable. A perfect child’s tale. : )

  8. Bodhirose said

    This is just the sweetest thing! I could just see that puppy’s tail wagging madly. A lovely, happy ending for two best friends.

    Gayle ~

    • Thanks, Gayle. Kind of a clumsy effort, and looking at it again, I might change a few things. But it was fun!
      Thanks for the visit and great comments!

  9. ShirleyAnderson said

    I’ve read my grandsons many stories over the last few years. They are 11 now, but this would have been a story I would have chosen to read to them. Great job Charlie.

    • That is so cool, Shirley. I can’t imagine how it would have felt to read something like this–that I’d written–to my grandsons. Nope. I can’t even imagine how that would have felt. Awesome, I bet.
      Switching topics for a sec, I bought tickets today to come to Buckeye in September! Really anxious to see some of the “old” gang.

  10. Great story, Charles! I enjoyed reading it and would recommend it to others, even those with small children.

    • Thanks, Dan. I appreciate the compliment! Come by and read some of my other stories when yoou have time!

  11. Neni said

    oh cool, this story is so lovely… 🙂
    sometimes, we need someone to motivate us…

    • I’m so glad you enjoyed it. I appreciate the visit, read, and comment very much! Yes, and sometimes we just need someone to bring out the best in us!

  12. Best friends 4 Ever! Adorable story…Smiles!

    ♥ ஆ

    • Thanks, helena! Glad you enjoyed my little tale! Come back and read some more some time!

  13. Wonderful story I liked reading this vey much 🙂

  14. deeju said

    I was very interested in reading the ‘beautifully picturized story’ , not only because I am your ardent follower, but also because I have a blog for children….this taught me a new lesson of ‘explaining every small detail.’

    • Gosh, deeju! I am blessed to know you are an aedent follower of my writing. I think it’s wonderful you have a blog for children, too. I hope the lesson is a good one, because I am not a professional at writing for children. This was actually my first attempt, and I just wrote it as though I were a young one listening to it being read to me.
      Thanks for reading, and thanks so much for the wonderful comments!

  15. mish said

    This is a beautiful , feel-good story about friendship ! It is a well-written child’s tale which kiddies will enjoy !

    • Thank you! I’m pleased you like it, and doubly pleased about the wonderful comments! Thanks for stopping by!

  16. I like the story with the zoo and the cirus and how the two became friends. Beautifuly written.

    • Thanks so much for the kind words. I’m glad you stopped by and glad you enjoyed the story!

  17. Mom said

    I liked the story a lot Charlie and it made me remember when you wrote Billy,Bully,Bull, don’t know if that was a story or a poem but I loved it, if you don’t have a copy somewhere I do.

    • Hey Mom! I forgot all about lil Billy Bully Bull! I’m pretty sure I don’t have acopy of it, so send it to me, please! Love you!

  18. Jingle said

    friends do inspire each other and make life more profound.

    enjoyed your story, well done.


  19. This is ridiculously adorable! Awesome Charles =)

    • I’m glad you like it! I’ve been saying it was my first attempt at a children’s story, but my mom corected me yesterday. I had forgotten one I wrote severaal years ago, called “Billy Bully Bull”. I lost it in a computer crash several years ago, but mom found a copy and is sending it to me. I will post it when it gets here!
      Thanks a bunch for the visit and wonderful compliment!

  20. I enjoyed every word of this sweet story, and I believe young children would too! Great job and an especially good job at a story-form with which you are not familiar!

    Here’s mine:

    Walking Each Other Home

    • Already saw yours. I commented on it. Liked it!
      Thanks for stopping by and thanks for the great comments and compliments!

  21. Rinkly Rimes said

    That’s a very pleasant little story, with a happy ending for both elephant and dog.

  22. oh so lovely. Time with friends are oftentimes magical 🙂

  23. A.B. Thomas said

    That was a great story! I especially liked how you presented friends as pushing positive actions – my friends usually push me to leap off the cliff of stupidity!

    • I know what you mean, A.B.! I thought the jumping was great fun, but the sudden stop was always pretty painful!
      Thanks for the visit and insightful comments!

  24. This was wonderful! Such personality between the two friends! I almost wish I could work at that circus just to be around Bubba and Barker 🙂

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