The Sun Came Up Again

There will always be good and bad in our lives and in the world we live in, and it’s okay to feel the pain and sadness when it comes, but we can’t hold onto the bad stuff; we have to let it go and move on. I know, it’s a lot easier to say than it is to do, but we have to remember the sun will come up each day and spring will come each year; we know that and we have to know too, there is much to be thankful for, even in the midst of pain or sadness. Feel the pain–wallow in it, if you must–but then, get up and move on. Look at the good things, and leave the past in the past. If we’re too busy being sad about yesterday, or worrying about tomorrow, we won’t have time to enjoy today.

The Sun Came Up Again

The sun came up again L pic

Across the street

In the neighbor’s yard

Through early budding tree limbs


The sky glowed fiery red

Then golden

Then dazzling white

As another day began


A slash of light

Fell ‘cross my arms as I wrote

The thought crossed my mind

That I’d said too much

Heard too much

And it had changed things


I wondered

If they had changed for the better

I hoped so


I’ve changed things before

By being too open

Too honest


I’ve watched the sun come up

Regretting words I’d spoken

The day before

You would think I’d learn


I have learned


I’ve learned

That the sun will come up

Sometimes you will see it

And feel it

Sometimes you won’t

But it’s there


Love is like that

At times you can bask in its warmth

And feel its arms wrapped around you

A flash of it will lay across your heart


Then at other times

It falls silent

And cool

It’s still there

Just not as obvious


 You have to know it’s there

Never doubt it

Never turn away

Just know that behind the cloud

Behind the mountain

Behind whatever has made the warm glow fade

It is there


You have to let it be there

You have to want it to be there

It can’t always be glorious

It can’t always be spring


 Copyright © 1998 C Mashburn


  1. I really love the end – very wise and good advise.

  2. Laurie Kolp said

    Gorgeous words and message, Charles. Perhaps spring’s beauty will be a sign of encouragement for those suffering. I hope so.

    • Thank you very much, Laurie. And, yes, I hope those in pain can find some beauty in the spring.

  3. love and the sun, always there, waiting for us to recognize and accept it –

    love the way you’ve merged the sun’s rays and love’s light upon us

    esp liked,

    “A slash of light

    Fell ‘cross my arms as I wrote”


    “Love is like that…

    A flash of it will lay across your heart”

    thanks charles 😉

  4. rmp said

    it is a lovely piece. I’m glad you allowed for it to spring up once again. it can be a hard task not to live in the past or in tomorrows, but sometime it is necessary…in those moments you need to remember the sun will rise again, and the pain and sorrow will hurt a little less.

  5. claudia said

    this is so true charles.. we have to know it’s there and it gives us comfort to focus on the good things that we may not see at the moment but know we will see them

  6. Mary said

    So true, behind any clouds of life the summer is always there; and if we don’t see it for a time we have to keep our faith in its existence alive! And eventually it will appear.

  7. Truedessa said


    Another inspirational poem with deep meaning between the lines. I enjoyed this..thank you!

  8. […] The Sun Came Up Again  (click to read the poem) […]

  9. Reblogged this on Marbles In My Pocket ~ The Official Blog of Charles L. Mashburn ~ Poems, Short Stories, and random thoughts from the author of "Be Still… and know that I am God" and commented:

    Still one of my favorites. I can still see the sun across my arms and desk the morning I wrote it.

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