He’s Got No Pants On, Man!

I’ve always found it amusing that advertisers think we will buy something because their actor in the commercial has a foreign accent. British, French, you name it, they are obviously convinced we will be hypnotized by that suave voice and either run to the nearest store, or jump on the Internet and make that purchase.

My all time favorite is the limey lizard that sells insurance. I get it, he’s a gecko and his name kind of goes with the company name, but why the accent? Why didn’t they go with David Spade or, Mike Tyson? Mike needs the work, and wouldn’t his voice sound great coming out of a gecko? What makes them think I’m going to buy their insurance because the lizard has an Aussie accent, anyway?

The fact is—and I’m well aware of it—they’re not talking to me. Advertisers shoot for a target audience, and they know old, ornery guys like me ain’t going to buy their stuff anyway.

That gal that sells the other insurance—the one that looks like a nurse in a book store—she’s just as bad as the lizard. I might actually listen to her, though, if she had an English accent; or maybe French.

The one that really gets me is “mayhem”. That guy is a jerk!

Top of the list on my I-hate-that-insurance-commercial list: The loser with the microphone. You know who I’m talking about? That guy irritates me worse than most politicians. Dumbest insurance commercials ever!

Does anybody buy insurance from a certain company because of the company’s commercials? I didn’t think so.

Oh, and about the title of this piece…. just seemed appropriate. All the other ones do, ya know. Just sayin….


  1. Sherry Mashburn said

    picture me just shaking my head . . . .

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