Daily Encouragement ~ 2/23

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Matthew 7:21

God will not be fooled; merely professing to believing Jesus is our savior is not enough. Is Jesus saying we have to do something in order to enter into the kingdom of heaven? The answer to that question is yes and no; no, we do not have to do anything, as in we cannot earn our way into heaven; and yes, we do have to do one thing; believe Jesus died on the cross so that we can enter into the kingdom of heaven. But there is one more thing; when we profess it, we have to mean it.

That’s what I mean when I say, God will not be fooled. He knows our hearts, and though we might fool those around us with our professions of love and faith, He knows what we really think.

As I’ve said in the past though, we don’t have to be perfect in any regard, and if you’re like me, there will be times when our faith—even our belief—is not as strong as it should be. God knows that too, and He forgives us our weakness as much as He forgives our other sins.

I truly believe that when we sincerely love God and focus our hearts and minds on Him, we will do His will without even thinking about it.

Just love Him.


  1. Sherry Mashburn said


  2. elizena said

    Amen, Charles! How I wish that I was perfect, but I’m so glad that my not being perfect, doesn’t mean God will not accept me as His child. He looked at my heart and saw a broken child coming to her daddy in truth and earnestness and all He asked of me was to believe in His Son and to give over all the bad things in my life that were keeping me separated from Him.
    There are times that I might still do dumb things or that my faith may waver just a bit, before I look up and realize that God is still on His throne and that nothing and no one can snatch me out of His hand and all is right with the world again.

    • You should have great peace, knowing He has you in His site and in His hands.
      Bless you, Elizena. You always encourage me with your comments!

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