A Promise Comes

I’ve been looking for this poem for months, and finally found it, along with a handful of others, in a folder stuck back in an old filing cabinet. The folder was titled “Poems 2006”, so I assume all within it was written that year. Found a story and the first three chapters of a novel in the folder, too. Now I’m going to have to dig out my old manuscripts and see if I finished the novel. I think I did, but, who knows!

A Promise Comes


The sunburnt harvest moon slowly rises

In the east on this late day in fall

A gentle breeze moves the porch swing

In the distance a whippoorwill calls


The neighbor’s dog down the way barks

While lightning bugs blink in the yard

Serenity wraps ‘round us like a shawl

‘tis forgotten that life is so hard


From the children’s room, soft giggles

As they play with their simple toys

Their lives are filled with struggles

And yet, they hang on to their joy


In evening dim we dream of olden times

The way it used to be

To go and come and just walk about

In a place called land of the free


We rise each day and do our work

As to the Lord, and not as to man

Doing as we are told to do

Singing hymns, we work the land


We know not if our wait be long

But know alone, we won’t carry this load

And soon we’ll rejoice and praise our Lord

A promise comes down the dusty road


Copyright © 2006 C. Mashburn

Sharing with the good (and talented) folks at dVerse Poetry Pub’s Open Link Night #36


  1. Sherry Mashburn said

    Lovely piece; I can just close my eyes and see the house, the family, the porch with the old swing.

  2. “In the distance a whippoorwill calls” love that sound! sigh!

    I love this whole piece. Really took me into the past and I could literally hear this as I closed my eyes and just listened. I love that! Thank you! Cannot wait for more of these days. I could die on a porch swing surrounded by these smells, sounds and filled with memories! ahhhh

    • I read this one to Sherry at lunch, and she literally did close her eyes as I read it, and sighed when I finished.
      Thanks for the great comment, Kellie!

  3. Awww some lovely lines here. Gentle, made me smile. Thanks Charles.

  4. This reads like hymn or prayer. Of course, I’m not sure the olden days were as golden in real life as they are in memory! But wonderful that you found the poem and old novel. Terrific. K.

  5. Our eternal struggle — to find the joy and serenity in the every day while waiting for that promise to be fulfilled. A good write sir.

    • Thanks, Mark! If there is joy and serenity, there is no struggle. It’s all good, my friend!
      As always, I appreciate the visit and comment!

  6. Pat Hatt said

    You just kept plucking away at the scene adding more and more. Can easily see it too, great job. although the cat may not like the dog..haha…and with one eye two, aren’t you talented..haha

    • Plucking? There’s no chickens! Cat? What cat? One eye two? Whatchoo talkin bout, Pat? Talented? Whatchoo talkin bout, Pat?
      Thanks for the visit and interesting comment!
      Oh, wait… I get it!

  7. Sheila said

    Just beautiful, Charles!

  8. sigh. some really nice textures in this charles…and peace of just a life well lived in work and in pause….all very visual and serene…

  9. voiceoftruelove said

    i like this alot…has so much meaning …one of my favorite lines is
    “Their lives are filled with struggles

    And yet, they hang on to their joy”

  10. Chazinator said

    I hear the hints of an old hymn beneath the lines in this. The images are so familiar to me, scenes from childhood, the porch on hot summer nights after baling hay. Those stories, or at least the figure they created in the cooling air still fill my memory with sweetness. My family was not religious, but I appreciate the idea of living a hard life and working with God’s promise in your bones means. I don’t know what kept my grandmother going, she had such a hard life, maybe her faith was there in all she did, that gift given without need for return.

  11. yelena said

    an inspiring write..i could see that lovely scene you paint with words *many smiles*

  12. I enjoyed this poem Charles and fully embrace the aspect of faith which is an intricate part of it. I also like the clarity and timing in this, being of the school of thought that if a poem is understandable it is not ‘less than!’ Beautifully done.

    • I’m a bonafide graduate of that school, Elizabeth. I majored in Simple.
      Thanks for the great comment!

  13. Steve E said

    I sat in that porch swing and read the poem. Hear the dog, birds, children playing, watched the sun go down.

    All the day’s hardships seemed to fade into peace and serenity.


    PS Charles, thanks for your visit to 4th Dimension, and comment!

  14. simple is a sweet word… struggles bring strength

  15. terri0729 said

    Another one I hit the like button and failed to add my comment 😦 Don’t know how I keep doing that!!! Nicely said Charlie!! Blessings, Terri

  16. mairmusic said

    Peaceful, nostalgic…

  17. Simple yet beautiful ….as life was meant to be

    Blessings to you

  18. Mary said

    I am glad you found this poem that you had searched for. it definitely is one to keep and to savor….forever.

  19. Raivenne said

    I enjoyed the serenity of this Charles. Wonderful words.

  20. marousia said

    I love the way you build the scene – so many layers and so serene

  21. Tried to comment here the other day, but my comp got all screwy on me, and I’m just now getting back to say…..I love this poem! How I long for those simpler days and front porch swings with the people you love most!

    These are my fave lines:

    “We rise each day and do our work

    As to the Lord, and not as to man

    Doing as we are told to do

    Singing hymns, we work the land”

    • I hate it when the computer is in charge! I’m glad you caame back, and I appreciate the wonderful comment!

  22. And, oh yeah, ….the harvest moon reference has special meaning for me….love the song “harvest moon”

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