Our Galaxy Grand!

The Chazinator is working a shift at the dVerse Poets Pub this afternoon, and he’s gone all scientific on us; he calls it Tripping the Cosmos. Nothing wrong with that I suppose, but what is science these days, other than somewhat bumbling, stumbling and altered? And, for that matter (no pun intended), what is poetry? In his attempt to get across to us his desires for this poetically scientific experiment, Charles spent considerable time and words explaining things. Me, not being one with a lengthy attention span, heard naught but a steady, low, humming noise, and an imagined voice, which sounded not unlike Charlie Brown’s teacher. Until, that is, I came upon this next to last sentence: engage in poetic conflict with the scientific world-view. “BATTLE!” I shouted, causing the old dog to hurry out of the room! At once, my hands pounced upon and fairly flew across the keyboard of my trusty laptop, and the following poem–I use the term loosely–was created!

Our Galaxy Grand!

I find myself watching people

Hurrying here to there

How many, I wonder

Are bustling about

At any given time

Night and day; 24/7

A world that never stops

Cars zipping down the roads and freeways

Going who knows where

A constant rushing

Hurry through this thing

Then rush to the next place and thing

I wonder, sometimes aloud

How we came to be this way

Did we evolve into this

A mass of constant movement

Orchestrated chaos

With no rhyme or reason

A massive uncoordinated movement

Of machine and flesh

And words polluting the air

Pursuing dollars and things

Joy not found in thing, nor word

Hectic lives, so mundane

No purpose; no goals

Acting at existing

Dead… to reason or rhyme


Is it possible we exist simply

As some galactic child’s plaything

A glass cage our world

An incandescent bulb our sun

Time warped to fit a universe

Much larger than our understanding

And what if…

From the black hole

At the far end of the spacious hallway

Of our galaxy grand

A booming voice should command

Turn out that light!

And go to bed!


Copyright © 2012 C. Mashburn


  1. I like this Charles! I doubt seriously if I will even attempt to work on this challenge, mainly because I would end up being wordier than The Chazinator’s original post! Don’t need any more snoring in this noise-polluted universe!

    Good job with this one! I’m impressed as always.


    • Thanks, Pauline! I was of the same mind as you when I first looked at this, but, gave it the old high school try!
      Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate the comment!

  2. terri0729 said

    Ha! good one Charlie!! Made me envision the Mount of Olympus and the god’s playing with chess pieces or some such thing! Well done. blessings, Terri

    • Thanks, Terri. I have a poem somewhere in this mess that’s called, “Imagine”, and it’s kind of along the same lines as this one. There’s a state park in Texas called Enchanted Rock, and it’s this big domed rock that snaps and pops when the tempreatures vary. I imagined looking through one of the cracks in it and seeing an alternate universe. Am I rambling? Why, yes, yes I am rambling. Buh bye!

      • terri0729 said

        LOL! You know me, Charlie, I was following right along with you 🙂 We have our days, don’t we? ha-ha

      • I’m havin a great day!

  3. haha i bet he just might say that…smiles…or take a break, relax, ponder the ant…let me worry about a few things…dont kill yourself in your busy-ness…what is it really accomplishing…

    • That’s what I’m talkin bout, Brian!
      Thanks fro stopping by! I love the comment!

  4. I read one of those old sci fi magazine comic story books as a child and in it one of the stories posed the question: ‘What if what we think of as endless (the universe) and what we think of a huge (the planets ) are really so small, that we are all simply in someone’s pocket, rattling around, back and forth like marbles would bang and crash. I found it so intriguing, and have always been so fascinated by the whole thing.
    Great write in the spirit of the prompt Charles.

    • I’ve thought about these types of scenarios all my life. Always wondered if we were like some giant kids ant farm, and what if he moved and left us in the backyard. Or put us in a box and he got killed and nobody ever opened the box; stuff like that.
      Thanks for the visit and great comment, Daydreamer!

  5. LOL… yes but man made light that shines throughtout the night. I think it’s Edison’s fault

  6. ‘I knew you were gonna say that.’ 😛 Fun take on the prompt and I agree with Brian, maybe we should leave some things to that which is greater than ourselves.

    • ah’ight den. If y’all are gonna team up on me, we’ll do it your way.
      Thanks for stopping by, Anna! I apreciate the visit and comment!

  7. hedgewitch said

    Why we would ignore it until it threatened to ground us, of course–like maybe by melting the polar ice caps and seeing how long we can tread water? Loved it Charles.

  8. leahJlynn said

    I like watching people too and seeing how the world eve oles and wonder what will become vintage and what won’t . It great to watch, isn’t ? good job

    • It is fun to watch; sometimes amusing, other times quite disturbing.
      Thanks for the visit and comment!

  9. Chazinator said

    I just hope that voice doesn’t sound too soon! Then again, with Pascal’s wager it will mean either lights out for good or lights illuminating a reality that will beggar this one that you so rightly take to task for its empty ways. Hopefully, the historical/literary drone of my prompt did not upset your awareness of the eternal mysteries! I do believe there are some things that science can’t explain. 🙂

    • I’m okay with it no matter which way it goes. And, no, your prompt didn’t bother me at all; I had some fun with it, and gettin a kick out of some of the other entries.
      Thanks for the visit and comment, Charles. I appreciate it!

  10. Semaphore said

    A fun read! What it brought to mind was a chapter out of something like “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”. Nice!

  11. Patti said

    I like this a lot. I’ve had those very thoughts myself. Here’s another one to ponder before sleep. What if we are nothing but a disease plaguing some larger being, our wars causing inflamation, our hurry-scurring just an itchy rash. And (gasp!) what if they find a cure?

    Thanks for your visit and comment.

    • I never thought of that one, Patti! That is good (in a bad way?).
      Thanks for the visit and comment!

  12. zongrik said

    A mass of constant movement

    A massive uncoordinated movement

    that’s all entropy!!

    • Why, yes, yes it is. (I had to look up the word “entropy” before I could say that.)
      Thanks for the visit and comment, Zongrik!

  13. Hema said

    That is really wonderful. Very vivid. I could picturise the glass cage and the incandescent lamp and the thundering voice ordering us! Lovely!

    • Thank you very much, Hema! I’m so glad youenjoyed it.
      Thanks for the wonderful comment!

  14. David King said

    I’ve had the same thoughts as Daydreamertoo, though I can’t remember where they came from. Conjectures such as these I find fascinating – as I did your poem. A great read.

  15. claudia said

    smiles…so many questions we have no answer…and i wonder if in all our high tech world, we have forgotten how to really live…good thoughts in this..conveyed with an easy pen

    • I think the answer to your wondering, is a very firm, “YES!” I have in mind an article I will write and post today, dealing with that very subject. I will call it Man vs. Machine, if you care to keep an eye out for it.
      Thanks for the visit and great comment!

  16. aprille said

    Somebody somewhere said: God created the world out of boredom.
    Are we merely playthings of the gods?

    • I don’t think either of those things are true, but it would be scaary if they were!
      Thanks for the visit and comment!

  17. Marinela said

    This is such a lovely write.

    • Thank you very much! I’m glad you enjoyed it, and I appreciate the visit and lovely comment!

  18. Sherry Mashburn said

    Awesome take on a weighty subject . . . Loved the ending . . . Made me laugh out loud!

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