Toothleth In Tekthath

Here’s a little story (true story) I posted last year, right after the incident took place. Lots of new readers these days, so I’m going to share it on Funny Bunny Fridays for those that might not have seen it yet. Enjoy!

There I was, firmly planted in my office chair, waiting for hundreds of folks to start jamming servers with responses to my FaceBook and blog posts. tick tick tick…

Okay, okay… Don’t panic, I thought. A watched pot never boils. My grandma used to say that, and I learned right away (right away being when I was about 50) what she was really saying was, be patient. That in mind, I decided to go do some other stuff while the pot got hot. That’s my idea of being patient, by the way; do something else. I am not a patient kind of guy.

I jotted down a list of things to do that should have kept me busy all morning and, as it turned out, got one of them done. Almost.

First stop on the list was the local convenience store/restaurant for one of their awesome breakfast tacos. I was happily munching on said awesome taco, which suddenly seemed to have something entirely too, crunchy in it; which, upon closer inspection turned out to be my front bridge; a single front tooth that’d been knocked out in a flag football game back in high school. Wonderful!

Back to the house I went, where a frantic search for the super glue was initiated. You know, the stuff you buy a little tube of, use once, move a hundred times then can’t find when you need it again. Unfortunately, I found it.

Word of caution: never try to reinstall your bridge while looking in the mirror. Things are backward and, well… just don’t.

The dentist was able to see me right after lunch and, chuckling all the while, he removed the tooth from my upper lip and in a matter of minutes had it properly re-installed. I’m fairly sure I heard the entire dental office erupt into uproarious laughter as I was getting into my pickup.

I should have just watched the pot.


  1. Sherry Mashburn said

    Laughing so hard that my mascara is running!

  2. terri0729 said

    Yeah, Sherry, mine would be too if I was wearing any!!! What makes this even funnier, Charlie, is that I had to do the super glue thing several times over the course of a couple of years that I had no job and no dental insurance. I’ve glued my tooth to my finger, put it in backwards, crooked, etc. Mine wasn’t a bridge but rather one of those screw teeth and I was trying to glue it back onto its post. LOL! Glad to know I’m not the only nut out there 🙂 Grins, Terri

    • I had a golfing buddy out where we used to live that had one like yours. He was one of those who prescribe to the theory of redneck economics–only work if you run out of money. I think he spent enough on super glue to get a real bridge put in.

  3. No good deed goes unpunished. I guess that doesn’t fit here. But I’ll wager most people can recall a dental episode gone astray or an unfortunate meeting with super glue.
    Thanks for a ray of light in the darkness of a winter’s night.

    Siggi in Downeast Maine

    • Yes’m, I’ve heard some pretty good super glue stories.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. That is too funny…I have been in similar shoes…It wasn’t so funny when it was me either…lol

  5. Taylor said

    well, you seem good at using witty words to play humor,

    thanks for the time, well done.

  6. shail said

    Yeah you should have watched the pot 😉 But then you wouldn’t have been able to write this hilarious post for your readers. 🙂

    • That’s true, and like I said, it ain’t my style to sit and watch!
      Thanks for the great comment, Shail!

  7. zongrik said

    i just told my dental hygienist i thought he should practice dentistry in a gorilla suit

    congregating tribes

  8. elizena said

    Actually that was quite funny! I’ve swallowed a few teeth, happens when you’re diabetic, but glued one on my upper lip? Nope! My mom however had dentures since she was a teenager from getting hit on the mouth with a baseball bat and then a couple of years later falling in the tub and there went the rest of her teeth.
    A few years before she passed away, she’d had a stomach ache for like two days and her doctor had suggested an office visit. After the appt. she decided she was hungry and we stopped off at Taco Bell. She ate a couple of tacos and everything seemed to be alright until we got in the van. I’d just finished my diet coke when she says, “I think I’m gonna throw up,” so I handed her my empty cup. My poor mom wretched until her stomach was empty, then handed me the cup (which I threw away). I came back handed her some baby wipes and when I turned to look at her I almost passed out. She was smiling at me with a look of relief that she didn’t have to throw up again, but sans her upper dentures. I screamed, then started laughing. The laughter stopped when she threatened to behead me and made me search through the…you got it, the vomit covered trash. Yuck!! I went out and bought her a stronger denture adhesive that day.
    Wow, see what memories your stories bring up? LOL!! Blessings.

    • Oh my! That must have been both horrible and funny! Maybe that’s why my wife, Sherry, avoids Taco Bell? Hahaha!
      Thank you for the hilarious response to my story!

  9. This is a total laugh riot, but you must have been pretty embarrassed!

    • Naw. I’m pretty used to my stunts by now. Kind of just take em in stride.
      Thanks for the visit and comment, Belva!

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