She Can’t Hear Us Calling

I’ve heard it said we learn something new every day, and I won’t argue the point. I am, however, sometimes amazed at where the lessons come from; often from sources we wouldn’t expect. Case in point, I’ve learned a lot from my little dog, Dockers, and I thought I’d share one of those lessons with you today.

She Can’t Hear Us Calling


My little old dog

Will be seventeen in a month

And as I watch her age

I feel a touch of sadness, tinged with a bit of awe


She is nearly blind, almost deaf

And even her keen sense of smell is fading

But her love and loyalty

Are as strong as ever


I sense there is much to be learned

From this small creature

About life and love and peace

Most of all, about what’s important


She’s happiest when she’s in the same room with us

And often paces from room to room searching for us

Sadly, she can’t hear us calling to her

Nor can she see us waving and clapping our hands


Napping when she knows we’re there

Sometimes I go to her and pet her

And then, knowing we are there

She’ll go to her bed and lie down

Comforted, just knowing we’re near


I perceive perhaps it should be so

Between me and my loving God

My desire to be near Him should be so strong

As to cause me to seek Him unceasingly


And then when I feel His presence

To rest within His reach and gaze

Knowing He is near and watching over me

And He will never leave me


Copyright © 2012 C. Mashburn


Sharing this with the good folks at dVerse Poets Pub  this afternoon on their Open Link Night.


  1. What a beautiful tribute not only to your beautiful Dockers but to your faith. Thank you for sharing.

  2. jelillie said

    Loved this image Charles. I have heard that one of the words for worship used in the Bible “proskuneo” can also be used to refer to a dog greeting its master by licking the hand.

  3. Sherry Mashburn said

    Wonderful allegory!!!

  4. Resting in Him… a wonderful thing

  5. Ina said

    So much love…

    • Yes. She can irritate me sometimes, but I know even then, it’s because she just wants to be near me. Or… she knows it’s time to eat… or take a walk.

  6. smiles…it is a beautiful thing just to rest in his presense..and love the bit with the dog as well…had a pups growing up that was my best friend…have a cat now that thinks its a dog…ha….really nice allegory sir…

    • We had dogs when we were kids, and I’ve had a few as an adult, but I’ve never had one from pup to oldster, and this is a new experience for me. She is very special, too. I have never had a dog that clings to me like she has and still does.
      Thanks, Brian!

  7. ayala said

    So sad..I just lost my dog two weeks ago to leukemia and Iike you I believe we can learn so much from our loyal friends.

    • So sorry about your dog, Ayala. I am not looking forward to the time little Dockers won’t be with us any more.

  8. The Enfant Terrible said

    I love dogs and have a very close relationship with mine, so I can really relate to what you have expressed in this pieces. A warm and sentimenal treat.

  9. Raivenne said

    Beautifully told story and wonderful as analogy. You hit this one out of the park. Give her a scritch behind the ear for me.

  10. I think so many creatures can teach so much about so many things. Dogs have a way of teaching us so much about loyalty and, unconditional love. I’m glad Dockers feels settled when she knows where you are, she is probably still ‘protecting’ you in the best way she knows how, and, maybe she also doesn’t want to feel as if she is alone too.
    Awww.. very touching. She sounds lovely.

    • She’s not much on the protection issues. She gets all huffy when we have company–goes to growling and sometimes barks. Sadly though, she doesn’t usually even know they’re here until after they’ve left. Kinda funny, kinda sad. She definitely suffers from separation anxiety though. She won’t eat and hardly sleeps when we’re gone. Needless to say, we don’t go on extended trips.

  11. Wonderful story

  12. Mary said

    Yes, Charles, I think that dogs know what is important in life. Yes, if you are present and give a pat, they are comfortable and can relax knowing you are near. They know what relationships are all about and have perfect trust, the kind of trust we should have of our God for suure.

  13. Very nice. Well this poem reminds me of my cat…gracie/queenie. She’s just what you said, sweet and comes room to room looking to be nearby, patiently resting and hanging out.

  14. We certainly can learn so much from our pets in many ways. I do love the picture of your old Dockers, she’s so cute. A lovely tribute Charles.

  15. OK, so I am an atheist but I do love the tenderness and caring in this poem.

  16. hedgewitch said

    Beautiful sentiments, Charles. We learn so much from our animal children, and they give us so much more than we can ever give them, I think, in life lessons like this, and unconditional love.

  17. Raven said

    I found this to be incredibly beautiful. Thank you. I believe that animals are one of the greatest gifts God has given us.

    • Thank you for the wonderful comment, Raven! I appreciate your kind words very much!

  18. reminds me how much I miss my late 18 year old feline friend. quite touching.

  19. adopted80 said

    This definately brings back memories of my old conpanions. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  20. coastalmom said

    What a wonderful tribute and so beautifully written! I love the picture too.
    I love also how you love her. And what a great twist at the end by your metaphor, relating our love with God’s love… sometimes it is hard to put into words and you did it beautifully!
    Below is something I wrote about our dog… you can by pass the story and just scroll down to the poem cuz it is long (smile) but wanted to share it with you since it is lost in the 100 or so other posts in there.
    Thanks for stopping by! I enjoyed my time here too!

    Unexpected Love

    • Oh man… I had forgotten I’d posted that just a few short weeks ago. Felt like I got punched in the chest when I went to read it just now.
      Thank you for the kind words (he said, as tears streamed down his face)

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