I’m Your Huckleberry ~ 7-28-11

Does it take a special occasion or moment to cause you to tell your spouse how much you love them, how much they mean to you, or how much you appreciate them? Does a coworker or employee have to do something really good for you to compliment them, and tell them what a great job they’re doing; how much you appreciate them? Does a friend have to do something nice for you before you can tell them how glad you are they’re in your life? Does it take a holiday or birthday to get you to call a relative?

If you can say yes to any, or all, of those things—even if you had to hesitate before answering—you need to join the JB club. I’m a member, but I readily admit I don’t always live up to the code. You see, JB stands for Just Because. We should say things to, and do things for, our spouses, friends, relatives, co-workers, and employees, just because we want them to know we love them, and/or care about, and appreciate them.

For lots of reasons, we need to make sure we demonstrate our feelings to those around us. Even strangers or casual acquaintances can be recipients of our JB attitude. Don’t wait for a passerby to make eye contact before you say good morning, or hello; say it and mean it as you approach. If they are looking at you—or when they look at you after you speak to them—smile. Smile real big like you mean it (Mean it if at all possible!)

Do you get the picture? Wouldn’t a JB world be a wonderful place to live in?

Oh, by the way, y’all are great! (Just Because!)


  1. dswan2 said

    And so are you, Charles! Your comments always make me feel my words are worth while. You speak truth!

    • All words are worthwhile when they are true; when they come from the heart. Thank you again for your kind ones, and the beautiful ones you write and share with all of us.

  2. manicddaily said

    You’re absolutely right. Just Because it’s Right Now! We put too much off too readily. Thanks for the reminder.

  3. Faye said

    You are so right! Just a smile to someone may make a world of difference in their day. It’s inexpensive but priceless. We never know what that other person’s day has been like.

    • That’s what I’m talkin’ ’bout, Faye. Hope you smile all day! (It is Friday, ya know? Just ask Sarah.)

  4. Sarah said

    Great post!!! And yes, I am smiling extra big today because it is FRIDAY!!!!!

  5. Sarah said

    I’m very ansy and ready to get on the road!!!!

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