Daily Encouragement

March 30

            I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, oh Lord, make me dwell in safety. Psalm 4:8

            After writing on Psalm 91—sometimes referred to as the protection Psalm—I felt a need to transition into peace. It seems only natural if we trust God to protect us, it will bring us peace.

            I hear many complaints these days from people regarding their inability to sleep at night. Sleep has never been a problem for me, and I find it interesting when those I know—especially those I assume are at peace with God—tell me they have trouble sleeping. My first response is to encourage them by telling them not to let it bother them. Of course, the usual response I get after rendering that sage advice is, “Yes, but ______.” (fill in the blank.)

            There are many reasons why folks have difficulty sleeping at night, and my thought is that most of them have to do with worry, which is (in my opinion) a form of fear. Fear can be directed at a number of things: health, finances, job, children, spouse. You name it, and somebody right this minute is worrying about it. I believe, even if you insist you must worry your problems into submission, you still need to rest at the end of each day. When your head hits the pillow, I contend you must give it all to God—let him handle it while you get some sleep. If you can’t be at peace during the day, at least let go at night and get some rest.

            It is that simple! Lie down at night, and let go. Sleep in peace.


  1. miker54 said

    Hey this was good Charles, when my mind gets restless at times I am reminded of Ephesians 6:12 and the putting on the whole armour of God. We are attacked through our mind once satan has a hold on us there well…

    • Good point about Ephesians 6:12, Mike. Makes me think the whole armor of God is our pajamas. Thanks for taking the time to read and respond to my posts. It means a lot to me. God placed you back into my life for a reason, and I thank Him for it.

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